So as many of you know I took a long much needed break from BF4. I've been getting on here and there late at night / early in the morning the past few days and I gotta admit even though it still seems to me that the netcode isn't fixed. Playing again felt good and got me pissed at the dumb ass blueberrys (in my case the Barnys, because I have "Deuteranopia" color blind scheme on")
Anyway. I can still hold my own which surprised the hell outa me, but a 4 or 5 man squad is WAY better then 1 guy. I'm lookin for a Dom Squad cause though I may still kick sum nublet ass, I gotta get used to it all again. So for tonight, just Dom.
So if anyone wants to team up tonight and wreck some Dom games I'll be on after 5pm Central timezone.
GT: Mechroborn