Anybody picking up the new UFC or anybody out there already have it. I'm thinkin about getting it, don't know what console i want it for either. Decisions, decisions
Discuss the kickasss sport of UFC, MMA and Boxing here!
Havnt played that shit since the 2nd one , good split screen game to play against your friends
Redneck blood and Florida grown
I played the demo on the xbox one. I liked it. I will have it tonight. People I know that have played it like it.
Well I thought I was getting it tonight guess not...LOL! Is golf club coming out on the xbox one? I didn't know if it was just pc or both
Hell yeah, got it the day it came out.. and love it!! Much better than the previous UFC games IMO
"Have You Heard? Of The 173rd, Airborne Brigade"
173rd Special Troops Battalion - MP PLT "Ripcord" Mar 2011- Jul 2013
RIP SGT Enrique "Dragon" Mondragon KIA 24 DEC 2012
If winning isn't everything, then why do they keep score?