I’m not great with words and I’m not great with being subtle. So I am just going to tell it how it is. The standard has been set high for me by my fellow officers in CAG. I strive for excellence, and I feel like there are some things in Whiskey Company that could use some fine tuning.
The following remarks apply to the Marksman, Sharpshooter and Expert award. The only kills that will be allowed is your best gun and ribbons that you from secondary weapons and other weapons: I have a example below:
To gain a weapon ribbon, you need 6 kills, except for handguns and melee. Melee and handgun ribbons you only need 4 kills. Below is the breakdown of what kills will be accepted.
LMG Ribbon (x4) = 24 kills that is including the 10 MG4 kills because it is consider a LMG
Assault Rifle Ribbon (x3)= 18
There are 42 kills that are allowed. There are 25 questionable kills. Questionable can not be verified so they will not be accepted.
2. I notice in our parties the chat has been unacceptable. There is trash talking among each other, not letting other CAG members into parties because other friend buddies. Also, I know we all rage, but keep it small or mute your mic, as this is disrespecting the Code of Conduct. First time, I will send a PM and give you a friendly reminder. The second time will result in a disciplinary action.
3. Any full CAG member that is in Whiskey Company can verify/confirm a award post, but please don’t rush through. I know we are all human and will make a mistake but I go through every award post. First time, I will send a PM and give you a friendly reminder. Second time will result in a disciplinary action. Also, keep in mind, there are higher ranking officers that do random checks.
4. Forum Posting - I expect all Squad Leaders and Fireteam leaders to post at least 25 times a week or risk losing your spot. For rifleman, I expect 12 post a week or be transferred to the casual squad. We have to lead by example. This is not a standard or rule of CAG, this is my rule and my standard.
5. Recruits - If you have any issues when helping recruits(ie: raging quite a bit or if playing domination/rush and not listening to orders), make sure to message them on Xbox Live right away, rather than wait. If you wait a day or 2, it may prove more harmful than good. If there are any issues, feel free to PM me, and we will go from there.
I would like EVERYONE in Whiskey Company to respond that they have read this post.
Any questions, please PM me. -Bear