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Thread: a Few Weight Loss Tips For Any Interested

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    Buzzard's Avatar
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    a Few Weight Loss Tips For Any Interested

    Let me make one thing clear. I am FAR from have the "perfect body" I'm 350-370 6'6. But I am working on it and I am beating the shit outa my flubber!!

    Anyway, on to the tips that have worked for me thus far, and a few that may or may not work.

    (No gym member ships needed for these to actually work!!!)

    Fast Food Tips:

    1. Don't get the larger fry, get 2 small frys from the dollar menu. (or just 2 small should they not have a dollar menu)

    2. If you get double, triple, or quad burgers (yes they make quad burgers by me), look at there dollar menu, and get 2 single burgers instead. (This much cheaper!!)

    3. Don't get the large drink, get a medium. If your dining in get a small, refills are free!!!!

    (Doing 1-3 will trick your mind that your eating more then you actually are and fill you up faster.)

    4. Get there chicken or fish instead of a burger, both are better for you and they make them different ways. (Grilled chicken is the best option IMO)

    At home:

    1. Use a smaller plate instead of the biggest one you can find.

    2. Drink water or flavored water with meals instead of soda/pop or alcohol.

    (Doing 1 & 2 will trick your mind, and water dose fill you up.)

    3. Walk you dog more then once a day (if you own a dog) If not, just walk a few times a day around the block, to the park, or whatever.

    Dining Out:

    1. Don't get appetizers, they may look good but they are a wast of money.

    2. Get smaller portions of what your ordering if the option is available.

    3. Share the meal with your wife/girlfriend, or even your friend you are willing.

    (Doing all these saves you money and is better for you)

    General Tips:

    1. Again, walk walk walk walk walk. It's easy to do and good for you.

    2. Drink water or juice instead of soda/pop or alcohol.

    3. Eat in a room WITHOUT a TV in it.

    4. Avoid fast food all together. If you just can't help your self, go to one of the better quality fast food joints around you.

    5. Eat FRUITS, they are quick snacks to munch on through out the day. There healthy and taste damn good.

    6. Exercise. Run, walk, use your weights/weight machine at home, go up and down your stairs multiple times a day, ride a bike, even going swimming. It ALL helps.

    Well, that all I have for ya. I may not be some "I'm better you so you have to do what I say" personal trainer. But doing all this works. I've lost 30+lbs in the past 2 months doing just these things.

    Hope this helps some of you guys!!

    Mechos Out!!
    Last edited by Buzzard; June 5th, 2014 at 04:11 PM.

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