You'll most likely have to set up a new account man
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Post your information for your Battlefield Marksman.
You'll most likely have to set up a new account man
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I did just that:
I made an account named Disering (because hearthquake was already taken by myself). With this account I can look at the profile of my hearthquake but it only shares game stats with friends, which I can't add because I can't login...
Is there a way to link a XBL account to any battlelog account?
The only option I see right now is maken a completely new XBL account, but I just bought a fresh new year of XBL so that will be waste of money.
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No no no u don't need to set up a new xbox live account.i had the same problem sort of speak.
When I first set up my battlelog I forgot what email I used then I used a completely diff email to set up a new one which I wish I never done as it made the solution to the problem more complicated.
I ended up having to ring origin/ea about the battlelog and going through a lot of security questions as I couldn't remember the original email.
So once I told them what ea games that I owned and the achievements I had for them they started talking.ended up that because the old email had already set with the original battlelog that the new one couldn't be linked to the same xbox account.i had to request that they therefore had to delete all existence of the original and link the new battlelog(new email) with my xbox account.
I haven't had any probs from then.
The number I rang was ea/origin in the US and I would suggest ringing these guys over origin/ea in the UK.they are more helpfull and give better all round customer service.
Hope this helps you.
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pisspawz (June 2nd, 2014)
Dam that's shity right der buddy
Battlefield brigade
-CAG pisspawz
-American Battalion commander
11 kills
Goldmud Railway
CAG ZERO, CAG pisspawz, CAG SpitFire Johnny, CAG JOGNBAI84
22 kills
Goldmud Railway
CAG ZERO, CAG pisspawz, CAG SpitFire Johnny, CAG JOGNBAI84
9 kills
Operation Locker
CAG ZERO, CAG pisspawz, CAG SpitFire Johnny, CAG JOGNBAI84
15 kills
Operation Locker
CAG ZERO, CAG pisspawz, CAG SpitFire Johnny, CAG JOGNBAI84
TOTAL: 205 kills
RzaRay (June 2nd, 2014)
13 kills
Siege of Shanghai
CAG ZERO, CAG pisspawz, CAG SpitFire Johnny, CAG JOGNBAI84
5 kills
Lancang Dam
Practice (a whole lot of CAG)
4 kills
Lancang Dam
Practice (a whole lot of CAG)
12 kills
Zavod 311
Practice (a whole lot of CAG)
10 kills
Zavod 311
Practice (a whole lot of CAG)
7 kills
Flood Zone
Practice (a whole lot of CAG)
TOTAL: 256 kills
Practice didn't went to good for me but it was fun to play with all of you guys, looking forward to the next one!
Who's Jognbai lol I chuckled a little at this
Whiskey company XO
1st Lieutenant (Officer)
CAG JB (June 2nd, 2014)
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