its over? what happened, who won??
Discuss the Battlefield 4 Regiment of CAG's Battlefield Brigade here
I am dealing with a kitchen appliance nightmare I had to leave. It was a scrim rainy but I do agree there is a lot to work on and I will be going over some things at our next meeting!
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Thanks for showing up guys. I watched a bit of the Twitch feed and those guys looked pretty legit. Next time I'll set one up with DOB clan they are more casual and I think it would be more fun.
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MERZiN8 (June 2nd, 2014),MoB Corleone352 (June 1st, 2014),RainyDaiz (May 31st, 2014)
Big shout out to the xb 1 guys who played in the scrim and CAG Nesty for setting up this scrim.Also shout outs are deserving to everyone who respond to this post. You guys will get better. You guys had very little practice. Keep your head up. Better days will come soon.
Whiskey Company Platoon Leader
2nd Lieutenant
MERZiN8 (June 2nd, 2014),MoB Corleone352 (June 1st, 2014),Nesty (May 31st, 2014)
CAG JB (June 1st, 2014),MERZiN8 (June 2nd, 2014),MoB Corleone352 (June 1st, 2014)
I am down to helping get this organized and whatever else u guys may need help with i would set up another scrim in a couple weeks to 3 weeks give u guys some time to work on stuff that u seen that needs worked on
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I forgot how much I enjoyed competitive game play, but I remember all to well now. I will be putting some stuff together and I believe the people who are interested in this should post up so the next time we run into this we are more prepared. I spoke with Mr. Corleone last night for a bit and I think we are on the same page. But all in all guys it was an experience and though it seemed frustrating at times its how we learn and prepare for the next one.
Sent from tapatalk using pure fuckin magic.
I posted some notes in the Clan only section here. I would suggest that everyone who is interested in playing competitive play in Whiskey Alpha get on this thread and check it out. Contribute thoughts and ideas. And get this going for the next time we do this, we will be more prepared.
CAG JB (June 2nd, 2014)