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Thread: Clan Wars, Tapatalk, Forum. Coordination Between 360&One

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  1. #1
    CAG Cerberus's Avatar
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    Clan Wars, Tapatalk, Forum. Coordination Between 360&One

    One thread sticked on Alpha company headquarters.
    One thread sticked on Kilo company headquarters.

    Division Commander assign to an officer this duty if he prefere not to do it himself.

    Every time we need to comunicate between factions (360&One) the higher in command that is playing post.
    All the players on both division must download tapatalk, and get the thread where they belong to, subscribed. Otherwise tey get removed from Casual or diamond division. This to make sure they receive the communication

    Sometime i've seen, we should work a bit more efficiently with the two teams, to capture a nood.

    It would be very good too to remind us that we're a team and to get more people feel that we are on the fight soo maybe they join us.

    Very Final cerberus signature

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  2. #2
    CAG Stud
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    They will not be removed from casual. Casual is just that casual. Everything needed to be said gets sent through chain of command. Did you run this by anyone before you posted it

    Redneck blood and Florida grown

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  3. #3
    CAG Cerberus's Avatar
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    I didn't say that they must get in and play, on casual side. I've said that they must get tapatalk, to be informed real time of what is going on :-) . CoC is working fine, i already now that, this was a suggestion to improve the ability of the CoC to reach all of us quickly, if needed. For better coordination between us. I didn't run it true the CoC cause is a simple suggestion. An idea...that can be used or trashed, if useless :-) .

    Sent from an Italian dude riding a gondola

    Very Final cerberus signature

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  4. #4
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    For clan wars the call of duty app is needed. But casual people can do what they like within the rules.

    Redneck blood and Florida grown

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  5. #5
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    Nothing wrong with simple suggestions, if the officers like this idea they will get with you on this ... thanks for your input ..
    cag clan cheechdogg

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  6. The Following 2 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG CheechDogg For This Fucking Post:

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  7. #6
    CAG Cerberus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CAG SPARTAN21 View Post
    For clan wars the call of duty app is needed. But casual people can do what they like within the rules.

    Redneck blood and Florida grown
    You're absolutely right spartan. But, The purpose of this suggestion is not to force somebody on doing something. It's just to make sure they get the message, no matter what kind of message it is :-) . Let me get the opportunity to explain you how i've imagined that. EXAMPLE:

    Cheechdog decide to get a competition started, on a clan war or not, doesn't matter. The winner get one night with a monkey...a girl...a donkey...whatever.

    Cheech say that to the Coc. Coc decide you are the one in charge of the alert. go on the alpha and kilo section. You post the message into the dedicated post, and this immediately get received by the whole CAG.

    Then.....everyone decide if he want to do it or not.

    The you can see, is just one: Be sure to get the message received by ALL. That's the reason why i've suggest the "removing list". Not to force somebody to do something, but to make sure the whole system will work as it was design (on my head) to be.

    Sent from an Italian dude riding a gondola

    Very Final cerberus signature

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  8. The Following 2 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG Cerberus For This Fucking Post:

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  9. #7
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    When making suggestions , make sure you guys are also giving detail examples of why the suggestion would help the clan ..we have tons of ding dongs like me who don't understand sometimes and we need to be baby talked on how something is supposed to work ...
    cag clan cheechdogg

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  10. The Following 2 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG CheechDogg For This Fucking Post:

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  11. #8
    PestiferousJoe's Avatar
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    I'm a huge fan of Tapatalk but on the Casual side, like Spartan said people could play as they will. I'm not trying to rain on your parade but that's Casual. I know where you getting with this but don't worry you've got nuts like me on Casual that H82LOSE!

    Sent from my Stonehaven using Tapatalk

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  12. #9
    CAG Cerberus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PestiferousJoe View Post
    I'm a huge fan of Tapatalk but on the Casual side, like Spartan said people could play as they will. I'm not trying to rain on your parade but that's Casual. I know where you getting with this but don't worry you've got nuts like me on Casual that H82LOSE!

    Sent from my Stonehaven using Tapatalk
    Casual MUST stay as it is Bro. I agree with you and spartan. What i would like to get, is that everybody get a message from tapatalk when needed. After that, they will be absolutely free to do or not to do, as now :-) .
    The removal from the rosters, is only a way to get the people download tapatalk and make sure they do so, soo we can get an "emergency alarm" to the whole community if needed. But my goal, is not to force them to partecipate into something: My goal, is to make sure they are always aware of the important things. Then, as now, they will decide what do not or not to do.

    Did i explain my point clearly? I ask, cause my english still "work in progress" xD

    Sent from an Italian dude riding a gondola

    Very Final cerberus signature

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  13. #10
    CAG Stud
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    I appreciate your suggestions on this Cerbs, but clan wars has been a very touchie subject and the removal of players from either roster is something that is very sensitive ... I only want Officers and Co-Leaders mentioning anything about how clan wars and the roster should be managed and especially the topic of members being removed from the roster.
    cag clan cheechdogg

    CAG Dogg Level: 72 [?]
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  14. The Following 4 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG CheechDogg For This Fucking Post:

    CAG Cerberus (June 1st, 2014),CAG JB (June 1st, 2014),iamsnakeplisken (June 1st, 2014),PestiferousJoe (June 1st, 2014)

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