I think that a killstreak discussion would be good in order to further refine this well oiled machine.
I recall during our last practice a conversation about whether or not guards should use killstreaks that result in them having an out of body experience (chopper gunner, gunship). My feeling is if we follow what Gdub wrote above that they should not be using these as the guards would be unable to keep an eye on the flag if they are using chopper gunner. So if guards want to use a high killstreak it should be ones that allow them to stay on the ground (Dogs, Carpet Bombing). I personally feel that getting a Sentry would be especially important for guards to have, just another eye on the flag.
So here is what Im thinking each set up should be for each class...
Runners: use a 3, 4, 5 setup (This is a must as runners will die often and be lucky to even get a 3 killstreak)
Escort: Spy Plane, Napalm, Mortar (middle killstreaks as escort is in more high risk areas, these particular ones also make it so escort does not have to leave their post to pick up any packages)
Guard: Spy Plane, Sentry, Blackbird or Carpet Bombing(upper end killstreaks, guards should be hidden and not die very often, I say "or Carpet Bombing" as this proved very effective against us during one match)
The escort and guards should choose the killstreak level that they feel comfortable with but runners must run a 3,4,5 set up. Spy planes should be mandatory first slot unless you guys feel different. Comments and adjustments to this are welcome.