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Thread: Cultural War On Men And Masculinity

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  1. #1
    Nesty's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Cultural War On Men And Masculinity

    The other night I was watching a tv show called Bones. A direct quote from the show was "all men are stupid". The quote was not directed as a joke and was acknowledged by the many women characters on the show.

    After watching this, initially it didn't bother me. After all it's just a Tv show right? And it's not like I haven't heard that quote a million times.

    Then I got thinking what if the same was said about women? Pretty sure the show would be scrutinized so badly it would go off the air, yet it is acceptable to make these kind of comments about men.

    Why is this? Why has this drivel been filtered down to our Tv shows? Why are we as men just shrugging these comments off like they have no meaning or importance?

    I would argue that this stems from a much bigger problem. A problem that has been brewing for decades.


    The word sounds normal right? It has become engrained in our culture. An acceptable term for an acceptable group of women.

    Where did it come from? How did it start? Truth is both sexes have had their part to play in this problem.

    1960s.The dawn of feminism. The golden age for men. Men did as they pleased. Women were ass grabbed in offices, relegated to the kitchen at home, and we're expected to do what men told them to.

    Thus, Feminism became an acceptable term. It was like the wrongdoing of men needed to be punished, needed to be met by the polar opposite of masculinity. Masculinity needed to be destroyed.

    And so it has been.

    Men now have dwindling maternity rights, have a hard time making a domestic abuse claim against females, and are discriminated against in court cases across America.

    Masculinity is scoffed and seen as barbaric and unnecessary.

    So what is there to be done about this? Not only would the term Masculinism get you laughed out of the room, but it has the same problem as Feminism. It promotes inequality.

    What's needed is balance. Celebration of what is masculine and feminine.

    Society needs both, a balance of the two. This concept was very important to many great cultures including the ancient Egyptians, and I think our society would do well to learn from them.

    Signed Nesty

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Last edited by Nesty; May 27th, 2014 at 08:32 PM.

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  2. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to Nesty For This Fucking Post:

    CAG CheechDogg (May 25th, 2014)

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