hey, like mostly of you may know, i love carbines, mostly the acw-r

1. xbox net delay is much bigger than on pc, ea and dice say they dont want to fix it, even on pc oO theyr priority is bring as much action and explosive in your home with such great graphics and atmosphere so you have fun... i never was a big fan of graphics, i still like to play call of duty 2/4 because the net code is that good, that i dont mind about graphics cause my shots are hitting that point i'm aiming in REAL time. in bf4 i feel its a little better than in bf3, it depends very hard on servers/region and if i pressed in network settings: xlive connection test(do that everytime your going online, it will fix laggs, why? i dont know)
so the main thing in bf4 with the delay is: if you found the hitpoint in the enemy model, you want to shoot as much bullets in there as you can to get the kill.

2. assault rifles are only in medic class. i want a rifle that i can use in every class. assault rifles havnt got a good rate of fire, and if they have, they are too fast. the famas mag is low after pressing 1time "shoot", thats not good for me. the aek971 would be the only assault rifle i play. assault rifles are much harder to control than carbines.

3. pdw's have a good rate of fire, but they arent doing any damage? why does those pdw's even exist with those bad weapon stats?!

4. machine guns. ok. if you wanna be rambo, take one. some of them got a good rate of fire and such a big mag. i would like to play them if they do a little more damage. like 5 or 10 more.

final: so which rifle do his job? which rifle is playable with the first point(net delay)? after playing some bf4(every class specialized weapon) i choosed the ak5 and it was a big, big diffrence between all the other rifles. and after i unlocked every carbine i thought about those carbines and choosed the acw-r. because it hase a good rate of fire but the mag isnt low after shoot some bursts, it is so good to handle(beginners should take this weapon) and you can even win middle range shootouts.

now first of all the attechments i like to use:
Cobra red dot because i can.
green laser sight because sam fisher has green laser too
r2 suppressor: it doesnt care which suppressor you use, all do the same. but the weapon is also good with a compensator, why compensator? it reduce the vertical recoil(muzzle breake reduce horizontal recoil), and i like it more the recoil goes horizontal than vertical. so with compensator i only need to reduce the recoil left/right.
vertical grip: bf4 is a fast game. you need to change position, move fast and a brain for where your gonna move. but there could be always an enemy around next corner :P so what the vertical grip is doing:
Traditional foregrip to help steady your weapon in run and gun situations. Improves Hip Fire by reducing the penalty added for shooting on the move by 50%.

50%? wow wtf rofl lol

so you can with this weapon easly run and shoot. you can even fight on middle range.
back to the final thing: the net delay.
you see an enemy, you shoot single rounds to find his hitbox, and then shoot him down with a burst of max. 3-4rounds and every bullet you shot will hit cause of the rate of fire and the net delay. never ever just press shoot. even in close quarters.
in close combats you shoot a max burst of 7-10! otherwise all your bullets will hit something or even disappear in the delayed hitbox of your enemy. in close quarters try not too often to shoot trough iron sight. walk and shoot, you CAN(vertical grip)

i think thats all for now, i hope you like it and maybe you will try it that way
