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Thread: Feelin Shitty

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  1. #1
    SIERRAmyDELTA's Avatar
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    Feelin Shitty

    Well 800$ later and here I am again, My grandmas funeral went well, but when I went to see my dad I almost lost it, he has liver/pancreas and kidney cancer, he was completely fine looking last time i saw him 6 months ago, He has stopped chemo because it was making it worse... now he looks like he is 80+ years old, can barely talk, cant move, and weighs literally 128 pounds hes only 52 years old, We said our goodbyes and I love yous and etc, but something in his voice made it sound like he knew it was the last time I was going to see him. anyone else gone threw this fucked up shit called cancer? Words of wisdom?

    Send thoughts and prayers my way feeling depressed

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  2. #2
    NuT jOb's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Im sorry for ya buddy you and your family will be in my prayers and thoughts

    Sent from a bottomless pit using someones wi-fi

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  3. #3
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    My Man Sierra life never stops throwing at us things that we can't understand why they happen. Just when things seem to be "OK" life throws us another fucking thing to say "WTF" !

    The last 2 years for me have been dealing with my Mom having a brain tumor to me getting my drivers license medically revoked with no clue when I will be getting it back. My gf's Dad has cancer and he is in his last months and seeing my gf deal with that saddens me more than I can even describe it.

    If you are a religious Man or you are just someone who believes in Faith, just remember that God doesn't put us through something if he doesn't believe we can handle it. I stopped asking why even before I found out about my Mom's brain tumor and I now just use all that to motivate me a little more.

    I feel like shit on a daily basis Sierra, both physically and mentally, sometimes I feel like doing nothing at all and most of the times I am in a pissed off mood where I hate everything around me. The one person that suffers the most is probably my gf, my Son has finally figured out a way to deal with my temper and bullshit but letting all this bullshit get to me hurts those around me more than myself.

    People can always talk to total strangers about things like this and as an online Friend and Dogg Brother Sierra I hope you figure out a way to say to yourself, "you know what, fuck all this bullshit, I will be fine".

    If "we" allow the things we have no control over get to us and let them mentally fuck us, just imagine what we will do with those things we "do" have control of.

    Life is no easy thing to deal with, it's a characteristic unlike any other. It can be completely joyful or absolutely ridiculous and flat out frustrating and confusing.

    Have fun Sierra, figure out something Bro and don't let anything bring you down. There are just somethings we have no control over, the inevitable is just that, inevitable and we should just worry about the things we can control. Yeep, it's easier to talk about it and easier said than done, but "We" can do it My Man ! We can do it !!!
    cag clan cheechdogg

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    PestiferousJoe (May 20th, 2014)

  5. #4
    King Fartacus's Avatar
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    dude, my thoughts and prayers for your dad, and may your grandma rest in peace, i cant offer advice except be strong for everyone else, but let your wife/girlfriend see your heart, it will make you more stable for any shit to come.
    sorry my words arent all that helpful but, as i said, my thoughts and prayers are with you


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    PestiferousJoe (May 20th, 2014)

  7. #5
    CAG Cerberus's Avatar
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    My father pass away 4 years ago for cancer.
    Soo my mother did, 31 year old (i was 3)

    And i'm going trought that on first person now, from december 2013. Hodking Linphoma.

    What you can do is let him feel what he done. Bring him your family if you can, let him remember the he will be here forever true the things he has done, his legacy. If he will stand and fight till the end respect him, if he will surrender respect him twice cause is the most difficult decision a man can take on earth. Sometimes it's a lot more difficult to accept that we aren't immortal than everything else.

    Don't feel bad for him and don't let him feel soo, be happy about all the time you have left with him, somebody didn't even get that chance. Build all your best memories around him and he will never be forgotten. That's the best thing you can do for yourselves, your family, and him too.

    Strongly believe what CheechDogg sad in his post:

    If you are a religious Man or you are just someone who believes in Faith, just remember that God doesn't put us through something if he doesn't believe we can handle it. I stopped asking why even before I found out about my Mom's brain tumor and I now just use all that to motivate me a little more.

    I don't now if a God exist or not, i'm not religious. But i now that Faith is real, and what happened to me have make me three time more determinated and stronger than before: Now i see things i was not considering; Sun has never been soo bright for me.

    Make him Laugh....whenever you can ;-) .

    I can't tell you how close i am to your family brother. But i am.
    My respect.


    Very Final cerberus signature

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  8. The Following 3 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG Cerberus For This Fucking Post:

    CAG CheechDogg (May 20th, 2014),King Fartacus (May 20th, 2014),PestiferousJoe (May 20th, 2014)

  9. #6
    PestiferousJoe's Avatar
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    My father died from Cancer about three years ago and you don't realize how important they are until they're gone. He was the most important male in my life. I made sure I told him I loved him and I strongly advise you to do the same every time you talk. I didn't feel very comfortable talking about life after death with him during that his last days but I know he is in a better place. I also made damn sure my kids got to spend time with him before he went and he made a BIG impact on them too. Life is hard like this and as much as we hate to admit it we aren't immortal. What made me upset the most was that Cancer has been around for quite awhile now and we still have not found a cure. I still think about him quite a bit and use him as a guide on how to father my kids. It's gonna be tough man I'm not gonna sugar coat it but living with the pain and everything else that goes along with Cancer is much worse. This is gonna be one of the more important times in your life...just be there for your Father that's all...

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  10. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to PestiferousJoe For This Fucking Post:

    CAG Cerberus (May 20th, 2014)

  11. #7
    CAG Cerberus's Avatar
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    Eh....point is that pharma industry is more intrested on keeping you sick, than find a permanent cure. We are like a gold cave always rich for them

    Inviato dal mio GT-I9300 utilizzando Tapatalk

    Very Final cerberus signature

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  12. #8
    SIERRAmyDELTA's Avatar
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    thank you all for words of advice and helpin me out, im going to be more active i promise im worth keepin just going threw family issues and opiate addictions and ptsd bull shit, god I wish I was just normal and didnt have thoughts of taking drugs to feel normal to be happy, and it sounds fruity but my wife and battlefield have helped me lol, im also going to be going to go to daily AA / NA meetings so I can get better for the clan when you guys let me in

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  13. #9
    SIERRAmyDELTA's Avatar
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    again thanks for all your support everyone

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  14. #10
    SIERRAmyDELTA's Avatar
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    ya i saw him and I had to go outside and broke down, my uncle who has been taking care of him told me to look into his eyes not his body, his eyes tell a different story best advice he gave me, Christ im choking up typing this.

    CAG Dogg Level: 27 [?]
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