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Thread: the Interrogation Room - O 8ball O

CAG's MERZiN8 sits down with current clan members and asks them questions, find out what those questions are and how they are answered !

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  1. #1
    MERZiN8's Avatar
    Rep Points: 50
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    Local Date
    March 6th, 2025
    Local Time
    08:50 PM
    Southern Illinois
    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    the Interrogation Room - O 8ball O


    This week on the Interrogation Room, we had a bit of a mix up, the survey for CAG Destroyer was lost due some technical difficulties. 8 ball from Whiskey Company volunteered and filled in very quickly, I would like to thank him for his time to sit down and tell us about his way of thinking.

    • First Name Andrew
    • Age: 43
    • Location: Canada
    • Pets & Names: 2 dirty cats named smelly and stinky
    • Online Game Tag names: Xbox Live - o 8ball o

    -What is your rank/placement within CAG?
    PFC Whiskey Company W2-Alpha

    -How did you come up with your username?
    Play a lot of billiards , I thought my name should tell a little about myself. Could have went with cheddar bush. Lol

    -If you had to choose a gaming Genre, such as Sports, RPG’s, Action/Adventure, Survival Horror, FPS’s, etc. what would you say would be your first pick?
    F P S every time

    -What consoles do you game on?
    Xbox 1

    -What’s your favorite snack and drink while pulling a gaming all night Marathon?
    Pepsi and coffee , don't usually eat or snack

    -What’s your most memorable moment in a game?
    Placing a beacon , pulling the chute , throwing c 4 and blowing up first tank

    -If you could transport yourself into any game what game which game would you go into?
    Tiger Woods golf, I think I could beat him ( lol )

    -What game do you think you have invested the most time in, and how many days, months, do you think you have invested?
    That's easy BF4, 500 hours, can I get a hell yea!

    -If you were a game developer, tell us about the new game you are developing.
    A new Bass fishing game , rapala 's no invited

    -What makes a great next gen game great? What makes ANY game from any generation great?
    No glitching would be a great start. The story and diversity of game play

    -If you can be ANY game character from ANY console who would you be and why?
    James Bond in Goldeneye, he has a way with guns and girls.

    -How old can you remember back was your first gaming experience and what game was it?
    I'm think it was Atari asteroids , wow what a memory

    -What is your all time favorite weapon in a game to use?
    DMR's in most games

    -What’s your most anticipated upcoming game?
    Battlefield 5, not that I'm bored of this one.

    -What is your favorite game of all time?
    I'm playing right now Battlefield 4, sorry to be so one sided

    -Favorite Movie you recently just watched?

    -Favorite Music/Band/Artist?
    Top 40, Phil Collins, me singing in the shower.

    -What’ your favorite sports to watch? And who is your favorite team, and your favorite player?
    Hockey playoffs, the winning team, who ever played the best that game

    -Besides, gaming what else do you enjoy doing?
    Golfs my fav but it's overpriced, fishing's up there, and of course pool

    -Anything else you'd like to tell us?
    Life on this planet was not a fluke.

    Again, I would like to thank Andrew for his time here. A couple of people have been asking how it is you sign up for this article. All that needs to happen, is send me a PM and we will get started. I do not have any particular person planned for next week, so if I have not gotten any volunteers by the end of the day, I will start looking around. Also, something to keep in mind, I would like to open up another aspect of this. Is there a question you would like to see on the article? Post it in the forums and it will be on next weeks edition. Thank you all for joining us and have a great week and holiday weekend.

    CAG Dogg Level: 50 [?]
    Experience: 10,771,514
    Next Level: 11,777,899

  2. The Following 7 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to MERZiN8 For This Fucking Post:

    CAG Archangel (May 20th, 2014),CAG JB (May 20th, 2014),CAG TheKid (May 20th, 2014),King Fartacus (May 20th, 2014),MoB Corleone352 (May 20th, 2014),Nesty (May 20th, 2014),nunobomber (May 20th, 2014)

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