Saints row the third free on xbox to download no proper mp but a co-op which is fun enough to roll round
BLAM! Shit just got real BRO!!
Saints row the third free on xbox to download no proper mp but a co-op which is fun enough to roll round
BLAM! Shit just got real BRO!!
Yeh I'm downloading now
Whiskey company XO
1st Lieutenant
Its fun. If anyone wants to play co-op add me if im not your friend alteady
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I'm gonna give it a go as soon as I got time. Supposed to be a like a tongue and cheek GTA.
I liked the story mode but only for a while ..I didn't finish it though as it got repetitive after a while ....
ZERO (May 23rd, 2014)
Yh can get repetitive thats y i use cheat codes and join randons and trololololololol em
BLAM! Shit just got real BRO!!
I prefer the woman super hero with the little cat back pack
BLAM! Shit just got real BRO!!
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