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Thread: Thoughts And Suggestions On the Support Class PKP Pechneg?

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  1. #1
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    Thoughts And Suggestions On the Support Class PKP Pechneg?

    Back in Bf3 the Pechneg was my best 100 round Lmg before and after it was nerfed. I'm now using it in Bf4 and while I am getting kills I feel there are better attachment combos that will maximize it's effectiveness. My main concern is the stability as well as ADS accuracy. I'm thinking Stubby grip, heavy barrel and a reflex sight. Any one got feedback for a brother?

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  2. #2
    Kujeaux's Avatar
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    It's been a long time since I used this one. If you are worried about stability then the Heavy Barrel might not be desirable, as it makes most guns kick like a mule.

    When I'm doing my best support work, I'm moving with the squad but a few feet/meters behind them. My engagements typically won't be in-your-face as my squadmates are dealing with those. So, I find a 3.4x scope works best as I can usually focus on a target without getting overrun from the front, and I can get enough hits/suppression on a sniper to allow my team to maneuver.

    I'd have to go back and review the grip options.

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    i have yet to unlock any attachments, i can't get past the recoil with so many other options in the LMG world.

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    @Kujeaux Sounds like a sound run if you got a proper squad to support (blueberries can go either way as I'm sure you know)
    @Nunobomber I felt the exact same way which is why I've put off using it but I plan on getting mastery with all Lmgs as I did in Bf3 so I gotta take the good with the difficult

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  7. #5
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    Yeah, I personally would go to the range and try the different grips and attachments.

    You'll probably want either the Compensator or the Muzzle Brake, these help control the kick but at an accuracy cost, so it's better to use them for closer engagements. The Compensator will help with side-to-side recoil and the Muzzle Brake with up-and-down recoil. I forget which the PKP has more of.

    If you are moving and shooting, the Ergo sounds like the way to go. Or the Stubby, if you can learn to stop then shoot, as it lets you recover from sprinting faster. I typically go with the Angled on most of my guns as I'll end up burst firing most of the time, even with LMGs, and the Angled reduces the first shot recoil.

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  9. #6
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    if your wanting to be able to long range snipe with an LMG try the LSAT with a tap fire fire control. probably one of the best for long range provided you tap fire.

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    Let's not forget about the Type88!!

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  13. #8
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    Yea the LSAT nd T88 lmgs are nice which I will get to eventually, Im focusing on the guns that are a pain in the ass first so later on the guns will be a breeze

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  15. #9
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    If you havnt already try the AWS with stubby grip and muzzle brake choose your own scope and BLAM tht shit just got real fam

    suck my balls while using tapatalk

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  16. #10
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    The pkp hits hard it can 4 shot anybody at any distance. It does 34 damage with in ten meters and drops off to a tasty 25 minimum. It's vertical recoil is .55 which is high and a horizontal of a left and right pull of .4. You will notice the gun going side to side while aiming down sight in a equal pattern. What is a good thing about this weapon is that it's first shot recoil is small. (Can't remember number). In this case a great strategy to use is to tap fire the hell out of this weapon since it's first shot recoil is so low. This allows you to see less of the horrible .55 vertical recoil. This weapon shines at mid range because of its damage. Most other weapons at mid range is hitting in the teens of there damage because of there drop off while your still hitting for 25!. Two things to note about this weapon is do not walk and shoot as your bullet deviation will be horrible and inaccurate. Not even the ergo grip can save you. Also do not hip fire unless you have too because this is also really bad as for most lmgs. For the barrel attachment it depends on what your struggling with. If you see yourself struggling with the side to side recoil use the compensator. If you see yourself struggling with the vertical recoil muzzle break it is. If you choose to use the bipod the heavy barrel might be for you as well. For the under barrel it's either the bipod or stubby grip. The heavy barrel and bipod are good complements if you like to have a play style of locking down areas. I would not run heavy barrel tho just by itself or it will be horrible to handle especially at mid range. I would personally suggest compensator and stubby grip OR muzzle break and stubby grip. Also the laser light is also ok because is you must hop fire it will help but turn it off when your at range because you will become spotted. You have to play it smart while using the laser sight. Seriously I spot so many people because they misuse this attachment. I hope this helps.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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