This is a quick post for all our younger recruits and members.
As you all know when you first came to the site we have a code of conduct which must be adhered to and upheld.we expect the utmost maturity in game and toward others may it be a recruit/member or another person in a public lobby.
Here at CAG we have a high standard and it's all because of these policies and our code of conduct.keeping this standard high in turn gives CAG a fantastic image.(and is this not what we all want)
My position as euro battlefield battalion commander was entrusted to me and I will always repay this trust back ten full.i WILL NOT tolerate any breech in our code of conduct,any immaturity of any kind and any disrespect that may be shown.
I am here for :-
1/ CAG as a whole.
This place is my second home from homes and like my own home and I'm sure u are all the same I do expect it to be respected.
2/ CAG members/recruits
Also I am here for each and every single member that needs it my u be a long term member or a day 1 recruit.any issue u can be assured that u can come to me about.i am 110% approachable and will deal with whatever it is with a level head and fairness all round.i will always be looking out for all you guys,like I said before I won't tolerate disrespect or ill mannered treatment of any kind all u guys can be reassured that I will keep this standard high.
Many thanks
European Battlefield Battalion Commander