10est for me as well. Let's get a post on Battlelog to start it up!
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Discuss the Battlefield 4 Regiment of CAG's Battlefield Brigade here
Nesty (May 10th, 2014)
Practice is running late. I will be on tonight for sure.
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Nesty (May 10th, 2014)
MoB Corleone352 (May 10th, 2014)
Good idea buddy! LAST NIGHT WAS MAGICAL! Good games everyone! Who is down for tonight again???
Nesty (May 10th, 2014)
You got it, I changed it to Dom vanilla maps. Tonite if it's full we'll switch it to ranked. I also discovered you can only switch players around if the server is ranked
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The server has been full all day!
Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk
Nesty (May 10th, 2014)
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