Whiskey Company,
Your leaders have been working hard to implement CAG's Company Structure, derived from this directive https://www.cagclan.com/community/th...pany-Structure.
Whiskey Company is currently defined to be all Battlefield games (specifically BF3 and BF4) on the Xbox consoles (Xbox 360, Xbox One). Under Whiskey Company, we currently have only one platoon. With growth, we hope to add a second platoon, splitting the Xbox consoles into their own platoons, which would add many more leadership positions so we hope to see some initiative from you guys at all levels. Be active on the forums, help the recruits out, and show your CAG family what you've got.
The team I'm about to list has shown over and over what they've got, along with our squad and fireteam leaders, and I'm proud of every one.
Leadership Rosters
Whiskey Company HQ
Commanding Officer (CO) - CAG Sgt Bear [Major]
Executive Officer (XO) - CAG Archangel [1st Lt]
First Sergeant -
Gunnery Sergeant -
[Gny Sgt]
Awards & Medals NCO - CAG Nesty[Sgt]
Forums Messenger - Wolfhunter0313 [LCpl]
Whiskey 1st Platoon HQ
Commander - sgtkamikazebear (aka CAG Sgt Bear) [2nd Lt]
Platoon Sergeant - CAG IronFistRay [Stf Sgt]
Platoon Guide - Emperor XIX [Sgt]
Forums Messenger
CAG Sgt Bear has been working to fill out his platoon roster and, for the most part, the existing squad and fireteam leaders will remain so.
Alpha Squad will be our Xbox One squad (this will be what we have been referring to as Division 1).
Bravo Squad will be our Xbox 360 squad (this will be what we have been referring to as Division 2).
Charlie Squad will be our casual squad.
We have found our members to have varied levels of commitment to the CAG forums and to the Battlefield game. While we accept everyone's approach to both, we have a desire to make tighter, more cohesive groups. We've had several frustrated Fireteam leaders whose members do not respond on the forums and sometimes on the Xbox. So, I'd like to introduce the new Charlie squad (casual) concept where we will place the players who want to be and deserve to be CAG but cannot commit the time to the forums and/or the game. This will allow our Alpha and Bravo squads to be more focused on being a cohesive team both on the forums and in the game, while allowing those who simply want to play with their CAG family from time to time to be assigned to a less demanding squad. Reminder: CAG Bulldogs is our Battlefield competitive team and is a separate entity from Whiskey Company, even though the members are also on Whiskey Company rosters.
We have tried to create an exhaustive list of the activities that we in leadership perform and distribute those tasks smartly within our new company structure.
Roles and Responsibilities
Company Position Responsibilities
Company CO/XO
- Schedules and conducts Company meetings
- Controls the Battlelog Platoon, though all leaders within Battlelog can promote players to the appropriate level
- Controls the Official CAG Rented Game Servers, not to say they are necessarily the server owner or financier, but holds the ultimate authority and responsibility for content
- Monitors Company HQ leaders and Platoon Commanders, ensuring their tasks are being performed
- Maintains Company HQ Roster
- Trains and supports Company HQ leaders and Platoon Commander in their roles, to include filling in when necessary
- Processes recommended promotions (requires particular rank and billet)
- Processes recommended awards and medals (requires particular forum permissions, held by officers)
First Sergeant (Administrative focus)
- Monitors Company and Platoon(s) leaders for promotions, proactive to member progress and reactive to filling empty positions
- Supports many of the CO/XO tasks, typically an officer-in-training
- Works closely with the Platoon(s) leaders, includes being the point of contact for Platoon reports
Gunnery Sergeant (Recruit/Member Services focus)
- Gunnery Sergeant definition in the Chain of Command states that Gunnery Sergeants are members who have earned their Experts Badge and are ready to train and help recruits and new members obtain their Weapon Badges. "Gunnies" are CAG's Face of Discipline.
- Assign, monitor, and train recruiters (Recruiters are a special group of leaders, with specific forum permissions required to respond to Battlefield applications)
- Monitors the accuracy of the application response (canned reply). If the Gunnie does not have permission to update, (s)he will coordinate with his CO or XO.
Awards and Medals NCO (Awards/Medals focus)
- Verifies award completion, ensures awards will not be duplicated, recommends awards/medals to CO/XO for processing
- Answers inquiries about the award requirements and how to achieve them
Forums Messenger (Communication focus)
- Collects and publishes meeting notes
- Communicates changes in roles/policies/structure to the Company
Platoon Position Responsibilities
Platoon Commander
- Schedules and conducts Platoon meetings
- Monitors Platoon HQ leaders and Squad leaders, ensuring their tasks are being performed
- Maintains Platoon HQ roster
- Trains and supports Platoon HQ leaders and Squad leaders in their roles, to include filling in when necessary
Platoon Sergeant (Administrative focus)
- Maintains Platoon (Squad and Fireteam) Roster
- Monitors Platoon members for promotions
- Supports many of the Platoon Commander tasks
Platoon Guide (Game focus)
- Maintains Platoon Recruit Roster (requirement could move to Platoon Sgt depending on the level of game-specific training)
- Platoon game-specific training (largely undefined, would like to grow this aspect)
Forums Messenger (Communication focus)
- Performs similar duties for the Platoon that the Company Forums Messenger provides for the Company
There is the chance that some of these responsibilities may shift around or morph as we settle in. If anyone feels that we have left out some tasks, please let us know so that we can list them here.
As part of my evaluation, I feel that many are deserving of promotions and I will be working to process those. My plan is that the new Company structure will be proactive in monitoring and promoting our members. Reminder to our members and our leaders: Cheech has put a lot of time and effort into defining our ranks and I intend to understand and follow them. https://www.cagclan.com/recruiting/chain-of-command. If you want to be promoted, be active in our community (forum posts), do your time in the clan, and focus on the Marksman/Rifleman/Sharpshooter/Expert badges. Also, leaders are generally selected because they display maturity and helpfulness both on the forums and in-game. If you need advice on how to get where you'd like to be, please ask.
Thank you for your time and be sure to thank these guys for their past and future efforts,
Kujeaux, Whiskey Company Commander