Ok you guys, because of idiots now adays who like to hack, infect your computers and laptops with virus and other shit like spyware and shit Firefox and Chrome have implemented a bullshit security feature in their browsers.
Because our website is hosted on an (https) protocol instead of an (http), many sites such as facebook, GameStop, TwitchTv and other websites who do not use an (https) protocol for their videos mostly, their videos will not load up on the forums because Firefox and Chrome treat it as a possible threat to you "YOU".
If you guys can't see some videos or content on the forums do the following as soon as you guys load up the forums:
Firefox 23/24
- Click the small gray shield icon on the extreme left-hand side of the address bar, directly to the right of the "Back" button (see screenshot "Enable1" attached).
- Next to "Keep Blocking," click the drop-down arrow and select "Disable Protection on This Page."
- You will be taken back to the entry page of your course; navigate back to the Wimba tool and click "Enter Voice Board/Presentation."
- Java should now load and the voice board/presentation will appear.
- Look for the small gray shield icon in the extreme right-hand corner of the address bar (see screenshot "Enable2" attached).
- Click the "Load unsafe script" link.
- You will be taken back to the entry page of your course; navigate back to the Wimba tool and click "Enter Voice Board/Presentation."
- Java should now load and the voice board/presentation will appear.