Good Evening,

In the last couple of days, I have noticed a few computer issues here and there. I have been trying to help Mr. Pawz this best I know how, and we are getting there. Anyways, there a few details I would like to share that I feel maybe a help to anyone really. Before I start I want to say, there is not an exact science to making computers work perfectly every time, it almost never happens, and there is almost always an outside variable of some point. So the suggestions I make are just that, suggestions. They work for me and they tend to work for the people I service. When they don't I adapt.

First thing and I feel this is an important one is Internet Explorer. This is solely for PC/Microsoft operating systems (Windows of some flavor). Everytime your computer needs to talk to the Internet it uses some form of Internet Explorer. Updates for things, pulling templates for Word or Excel, a variety of things, all rely on I.E. (Internet Explorer). Now, other programs that you may use also rely on IE to talk to the Internet for updates or to just simply work. If you are using IE to browse, you are more susceptible to picking up spyware, malware, hijacks, other bad distasteful items. If you do that while using IE, you can infect IE and thus bring your computer crashing down. And picking up malware/spyware is no difficult task. You can do it without even knowing it, and then things will stop working or your computer will get slower, until you cannot use it and you are pulling your hair out or falling asleep waiting for your computer to load the Internet. A simple fix to this issue is to simply not use IE. Use it 1 time. To download a copy of Firefox or Google Chrome. Just make sure when you are downloading these, you are doing from either the Mozilla website (Firefox) or

Second thing, Anti virus. Important yes. But equally important is surfing habits. Be careful where you go and what you do. Like I said before there are a lot of places out there that will give you the bug by simply peeking in the door. Also, with this, is the type of anti virus you have. I have worked at my current place for a little over a year and then a few shops before that. In the last 17 months, 9 different cases, someone brought in their computer for it being slow and the sole problem was Norton Anti virus. I uninstall it and it alone and the computer suddenly speeds up to a normal pace. I have seen a couple of these instances with McAfee as well. So I recommend staying from it as well. I have used the FREE version of AVG for the last 10 years or more with no problems. Knock on wood. It works. No BS. Some say Avast is good, and while I do not prefer that one, AVG is what I use. Its one of those preference things. But Norton and McAfee are bad news bears for sure.

Third thing, computer maintenance. Make sure to do updates, Windows Updates, Java updates, Adobe updates, anti virus updates. They keep you safe or at least help. Your computer will need to shut down at times. Let it. If you leave it on alot, restart it every once in a while. Just things to keep in mind.

I am going to stop there for now. IF there is more interest I have more tips and tricks and things. The way I see this is, knowledge is the most powerful tool in the world, and sharing is caring. I am all about learning new things and strive to learn something every single day. One cannot be in the technology world and not have that mindset, you will get passed in no time. So like I said before these are my suggestions. What works for me, and most of the people I know. Everyone has their preferences and lots of techs and computer people share different preferences and opinions.

Anyway, I hope this helped. See ya later.