Threw something together yesterday from the clips I still had online. This is probably only my last five or six sessions, except one or two clips that I actually saved and uploaded to Skydrive. Let me know what you think!
Discuss the Battlefield Series here
CAG JB (May 8th, 2014),Kujeaux (May 7th, 2014),MERZiN8 (May 7th, 2014),Nesty (May 7th, 2014),nunobomber (May 7th, 2014)
Emperor XIX (May 7th, 2014),Nesty (May 7th, 2014)
Nesty (May 7th, 2014)
CAG JB (May 8th, 2014)
Does anything say Battlefield as much as this music? You could put this music to Jersey Shore and I would still get the itch to play Bf...
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Emperor XIX (December 10th, 2014)
nice video empy
Emperor XIX (May 8th, 2014)
Yeah man nice vid.loved the sequence where u took down the few guys and the attack boat while all the time being aware of the cover.
European Battlefield Battalion Commander
Emperor XIX (May 13th, 2014)
CAG JB (May 8th, 2014)
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