Crew Noticeboard: Money Task Force, Evil Crime Syndicate, Kung Fu Krakens And Others Now Recruiting
The Crew Noticeboard is our featured column where we publish recruitment pitches from Crews actively seeking new members to join their ranks in their own words.Looking to follow in the footsteps of previously mentioned Crews like the Annunaki Lords, who've picked up hundreds of new members since we first mentioned them, this go round’s got super villains with nefarious plans for world domination, heroic martial arts squads to counter them, a La Cosa Nostra collective that hearken back to more traditional times and more... Crew Commissioner Yavvii emphatically puts it down for his Crew the Money Task Force, claiming his group is just as much about enjoying themselves as they are about stacking currency."Money Task Force is now recruiting! I think the name would be enough to suggest what we are about. However, if not, it's all about money, money and money! We currently stand at roughly 160 members and are looking to recruit more active members. Promotions will be given on a regular basis based on your overall activity.RECRUITMENT PROCESS: Send a request to join the Crew and then message me (Yavvii) or alvinlowery21 that you've asked to join and we'll accept it.RULES: Best thing about this Crew is we don't have hard and fast rules. There are only two rules:1. Don't kill a Crew mate.2. HAVE AS MUCH FUN AS YOU CAN!Hoping to have fun, earn money and to be playing with all of you guys soon! Cheers." Brasil LIVE 360 is a proud Brazilian Crew led by RenatoBMX. With a lively Facebook page, regularly updated website and a thriving member base, BRLV seem poised for greatness or at the very least, a good time."We're a CREW of very organized individuals with the ultimate goal of bringing together Brazilian players on Xbox LIVE. With recordings of weekly videos and additional events, our CREW stands for knowing what you're doing and making a difference. The members are selected one at a time and the friendships we make here are for life. Thanks to everyone!- KILLING OR DYING TOGETHER - " The super-villainous Evil Crime Syndicate is looking to spread their influence far and wide. Led by the elusive GermanRedSkull, they aim to strike fear into the hearts of their enemies while simultaneously fostering loyalty and acceptance amongst their ranks."We have declared war on the streets of Los Santos and Blaine County.Lock away your valuables, hold tightly onto your purse and keep your eyes open as the Evil Crime Syndicate is watching. We can strike at any moment, so beware!We demoralize the enemy from within by surprise, terror, sabotage and assassination. This is war!Only few have met our fearless leader, GermanRedSkull. He plays his cards close. If you see him online you know something important is going down. He stays in hiding most of the time, planning and plotting away, developing our evil master plan, giving direction to his most trusted and loyal advisors such as Rerun Shoota, DanialStuart and SJStar89.Part of our vision is to set ourselves apart from other Crews. However, our main vision is to have a Crew where all members have a say and we all agree to have fun and be friendly.We don't care for political or religious views or opinions on how anyone wishes to lead their life - it's your life and you can live it how you want, no questions asked.Our members and alliance Crews are here to have fun, have a laugh and not take things too serious or personal.We are currently seeking active players to join the syndicate.If you are respectful, funny, quirky, proud, courageous, sorted and like to live life to the fullest and have fun, join us.What are you waiting for?http://www.evilcrimesyndicate.comhtt...ateThere's always plenty of tough talk in MC circles, but lieutenant Viper-29 wants you to know that the Black Wasp Crew and all of their various divisions have the killer sting to back up their bravado."The Black Wasp is a small and strong Crew. The brotherhood we have forged is stronger than all of the world's steel combined. We may not have strength in numbers but we are the most fearsome MC in Los Santos. Anyone who questions this can take us on. We have faced betrayal in the past within our highest ranks but that was only a small setback. We are now stronger than ever. You will not catch us in a tank. You will never see us killing guys who don't deserve it. We have our own set of rules. We are the biggest bad asses ever on a chopper, whether it's a Daemon, Bagger or Hexer. We will never leave a brother in need. We are to be feared and will never back down from a fight. We have four major charters, starting with our main Los Santos charter, a Blaine County charter, a Prospect charter and finally our Xbox charter. Thanks for your consideration." ( Join Here ) With a spunky emblem and open enrollment, the oceanic shadow warriors known as Kung Fu Krakens are currently searching for additional players to join their shoal."Tired of having to jump through hoops to get recruited?KFUK is looking for loyal members to bolster our ranks.The first 3 new members to join will receive an automatic promotion to Lieutenant.The next 3 following will receive a Representative rank up.There is one Commissioner spot remaining for our best recruiter.We are here to have all manners of fun until you interrupt our KUNG FU. Then we will be forced to release the KRAKENS!!!About: Damn it feels good to be a Kraken / Platform: XBOX 360Games: Grand Theft Auto V Online / Time zone: Central" CREW RECRUITMENT VIDSThis Noticeboard’s selection of featured Crew recruitment videos come to us from To Live Another Day and the Gigante Crime Family. “To Live Another Day” is a common goal for all fledgling MC's looking to leave their mark on Los Santos. Here, Leader DrakeCarter1 is fairly direct and to the point in that regard."Looking for an MC inspired Crew? Looking for a group of people to play with who aren't (always) tank noobs? Just want to wreak havoc on Southern San Andreas? Well, WE WANT YOU!Ages 18+ recommended, a gaming headset IS A MUST." Commissioner (and Don) IGotALongChin touts his role-playing Mafioso bunch the Gigante Crime Family as an organization with an unspoken honor code and the occasional flair for the dramatic when it comes to settling business matters."How's everybody doing? This is Don Gio the don of the Gigante Crime Family. We are a mafia role-play-based Crew. We have over 100 members. Looking for loyalty, respect and honor, we started out about 2 years ago and still stand with the same don (Leader) till this day. We have started a movement that has been effective throughout the GTA community. This has also caused a great impact on role-play gaming. If you want to learn more about this movement or are interested in joining check out this link.." If you’re part of a Crew that's looking for new recruits, drop a link in the comments below for all to see (but only once – those who copy and paste spam the same recruitment message more than once at the Newswire will not be featured). Or hit us up at and let us know why your Crew deserves recognition for originality, skill or effort... we may publish your want ad in a future Noticeboard.This is also an ideal opportunity to show off your Crew pride with any fun group Snapmatic pics, Crew artwork creations or awesome gameplay vids that show everyone why your squad is the place to be or the team to beat. Remember to leave a link to your Crew's Social Club page so that you're easily spotted by those looking to answer your call.Previously:Flight Pilots, The Highland Rebels, Unusual Fellas and Others Now Recruiting