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Thread: What Do Attachments REALLY Do?

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  1. #1
    BlameItOnGod13's Avatar
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    Local Date
    January 16th, 2025
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    Wilkes Burrr

    What Do Attachments REALLY Do?

    i don't know about any of you but i have wondering for a while what each attachment really does to a weapons stats so today i decided to take a look for myself and see what attachments i should be using and why.

    before i get into the raw numbers i want to mention that the gun i used for this was the MG4. i compared each attachment type with no secondary attachment as well as with an MG4 with no attachments to make sure i was getting the right numbers. it's worth noting that each attachment could possibly have different effects with different guns. if you feel like the setup on your weapon of choice isn't performing up to your exceptions in a certain situation (IE - Hip Fire, Recoil, ADS Accuracy) go to and do some comparisons of your own. if anyone needs help just shoot me a PM.

    another note, ADS = Aim Down Sights

    first off, the grips. there are many grips to choose from but what do each type do?

    Potato/Stubby Grip - decreases your spread. decreases spread in ADS standing still (stand, crouch, prone) and ADS when moving (stand, crouch, prone)

    Angled/Folding Grip - improves First Shot Recoil and Recoil Left and Right.

    Ergo/Vertical Grip - decrease spread in ADS when moving (stand, crouch, prone). decreases spread in Hip Fire when moving (stand, crouch and prone)

    onto the barrel attachments

    Suppressor - decreases muzzle velocity (speed at which bullets travel). increases Hip Fire Spread when not moving (standing, crouch, prone)

    Heavy Barrel - increases Recoil Up, Both ADS and Hip Fire. decrease spread in ADS both moving and standing still.

    now here is something interesting that i just found out today. the Compensator and Muzzle Break attachments do two different things to your weapons stats.

    Compensator - decrease in Recoil Left and Right. increase in Spread Increase Per Shot. Decrease in ADS and Hip Fire Recoil Left and Right.

    Muzzle Break - decrease in Recoil Up. increase in Spread Increase Per Shot. Decrease in ADS and Hip Fire Recoil Up.

    and finally, the Flash Hider. it's literally useless. trust me. don't use it. ever.

    Flash Hider - there is literally no increase in any stat. it should be noted that all a flash hider does is hide the flash of your weapon. you will still hear the weapon fire and still show up on the mini map.

    hope this helps some of you make your decisions when it comes to weapon attachments. any questions feel free to ask.

    CAG Dogg Level: 60 [?]
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