Congrats to HG867,King Fartacus and I ZERO 89. Welcome to the CAG family.
Whiskey Company Platoon Leader
2nd Lieutenant
Latest news and announcements will be posted here. If you have any questions, you can also ask them here.
Yes welcome to CAG guys. Glad to have you aboard!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I407 using Tapatalk
King Fartacus (May 20th, 2014),pisspawz (May 20th, 2014),ZERO (May 20th, 2014)
King Fartacus (May 20th, 2014),pisspawz (May 20th, 2014),ZERO (May 20th, 2014)
King Fartacus (May 20th, 2014),pisspawz (May 20th, 2014),ZERO (May 20th, 2014)
thank you all very much, and a thanks to the guys that helped me get my marksman
Congrats boys!!! HG you did it dude you stuck it out! Welcome aboard!!!
Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk
Nesty (May 21st, 2014)
MoB Corleone352 (May 21st, 2014),Nesty (May 22nd, 2014)
CAG Archangel (June 5th, 2014),CAG JB (June 5th, 2014),Kujeaux (June 5th, 2014),RzaRay (June 5th, 2014)
Welcome pal now your a member get your skanky ass on
BLAM! Shit just got real BRO!!
CAG JB (June 5th, 2014)
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