I'm on peeps
Discuss the Battlefield 4 Regiment of CAG's Battlefield Brigade here
Could be possibly on for a bit tonight.Its a bit hazy atm as its usually tv night tonight but Mrs doesn't seem bothered/to mind so il play it by ear and post later if im on.prob be on Bf4 unless we get a few guys that want to roll hardline
Shes time for some fuckin gamerino tonight boyeeeez
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If you want to game on X1 give a shout on this thread. Im leavin my X1 on but I'm playing bloodborne on my ps4
Edit: I have already quit bloodborne. For the love of God dont ever buy this game it is complete shit imo
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RainyDaiz (May 16th, 2015)
Really great games last night boyz thanks for puttin up with buzzed Nesty!
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RainyDaiz (May 17th, 2015)
RainyDaiz (May 17th, 2015)
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