Game 1:3/25 19-5 Strikezone Slim Reaper
Game 2:3/26 16-5 Strikezone Silent,Marine,Steele
Game 3:3/29 15-10 Soverign Marine,Ric'n,Jason,Kojak
Game 4:4/1 15-6 Stormfront Kojak,Marine,Jason
Game 5:4/1 17-10 Freefall Silent,Gypsy,Jason
Update or start your Marksman Badge thread here
I confirm my games, why you take so long to post though?
~Spartans lead the way
good start on your marksman
Great work! Keep it up!
Nice job man
Sent from my SGH-I747M using Tapatalk
Nice job man
Sent from my SGH-M919 using Tapatalk
Nicely done bro
Sent from Dr Evils hideout while using tapatalk
I confirm my games keep it up!!
Confirm mine good shit keep up the good work
Washing cheech's butt cheeks while using tapatalk
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