Hey Fire Team 3, I am your new Fire Team Leader. I am here to help you and guide you. If you have any questions just ask. I do have some guidelines that I would like you to follow.
SAS Syndicate, Ch3dz, Jordan 5311
1. Don't jump me I am here to help.
2. Keep me updated on leaves and anything else.
3. Be reachable and on when you can.
4. Tell me any ideas you have big or small.
5. Work together as a TEAM.
6. Be the best you can be no matter what. All you are great people and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
Well that's all for now. Like I said if you have any comments, questions, concerns, threats (hope not), or complaints (also hope not). Feel free to open up to me. For now this is Destroyer. Over and Out