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Thread: How I Play Conquest And Why I Make the Decisions I Make

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  1. #1
    BlameItOnGod13's Avatar
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    March 25th, 2025
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    Wilkes Burrr

    How I Play Conquest And Why I Make the Decisions I Make

    i thought i would give some insight into my decision making process for capping and defending as well which flags i focus on and why. too often i find myself by myself capping or defending which is my fault. i just expect people to play like me which is wrong, everyone has their own playstyle.

    the map i will use for my following examples will be Golmud Railway when we are all playing as an Infy Role.

    Noteable Objectives - C spawns a Scout Chopper, F spawns Mobile Artillery and E spawns an IFV.

    in a situation where we control the burn but not one of these objectives those 3 should be top priority depending on what is happening. if the team needs air support go for C. if they need ground armor support then E and F should be the targets.

    in a situation where we have recently capped A, B and C we should go for one of those objectives, mostly likely F because it is closest.

    something i see happen a lot is we cap a flag and as it gets capped or we are in the process of making our way to a new flag, a flag we just capped or are leaving from capping starts getting capped and we keep on moving to the next objective. the priority should be to defend flags we recently capped. a lot the time i double back and sometimes i'm the only one who does. in a situation where our team caps B and A and we move on to C, if B or A starts getting capped we need to defend. defending flags close to one another should be the highest priority because if the enemy team gets one of them they can easily get all three, especially if 1/3 of the team spawn bombs the flag that the enemy just capped. in this case flags that are close are A, B and C.

    no one should take this as an insult, me criticizing you or anything else. i just think that when we stay together we collectively do better and this is my fault. a lot the time i just play how i play but don't say what i am doing and expect people to be with me which is a huge mistake thus the reason for posting this. i will try to be more vigilant about calling my maneuvers out in game.

    this is all i can think of for the time being, if anything else comes to mind i will edit this post and bump the thread.

    CAG Dogg Level: 60 [?]
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