so now you have some tips for repairs but perhaps you want to try your hand at driving those big death behemoths. here i'll drop a quick tip or two and share my loadout. this will work best on XB1 as Conquest servers go to 64 total thus 32 enemies to deal with, mostly Infy.
First Thing's First - my current loadout uses Sabot Shells and 50 Cal HMG. your going to need to be aware of other tanks and play defensively. use the landscape and walls/corners to your advantage during Tank v Tank battles. know when to run and hide and when you do NEVER give up the booty unless you want to die. use your Big Map to keep abreast of what is going on between skirmishes.
so the loadout is Sabot Shells/50 Cal HMG/Active Protection/Zoom Optics/Reactive Armor.
i use Sabot Shells because they have the highest velocity, almost double of other primary shells so it makes it much easier to take down enemy aircraft and snipe armor. be aware of your shell count between armor skirmishes. if you just got done taking down a tank and another one is pushing towards you peel off and get some shells back.
the 50 Cal HMG is for Infy and Aircraft (yes it will damage those pesky choppers!). use with your Zoom Optics to destroy Infy at range. learn the the bullet drop.
save your Active Protection for those OH FUCK situations or use it to avoid guided missile hits.
again this is best used on XB1 and it does work very, very well even without a good repairman -