so i just thought i would give my impressions of the Naval Strike weapons now that i've had some time to mess with them all a bit.
AR160 - the more i use this gun the more i fall in love with it. i find that when i tap fire it is super fucking accurate at range, i feel like i'm shooting laser beams sometimes and my 19.14 accuracy over 137 kills backs that up i feel. honestly think it might beat my tryhard ACE23 for favorite assualt rifle. now you may lose some hip spray battles from time to time against an AEK, Famas or ACW but you won't lose to any of those guns at range. not possible. the recoil is .02 left, .02 right and .05 up so basically you just have to get used to tap firing at range or it won't work well for you. the reload speed is a bit longer than most at 3.1 empty and 2.2 with one left in the chamber so try not to dump your mags and make sure you can safely reload each time. the true test for me is how accurate will it be with a suppressor.
Loadout - Reflex/Heavy Barrel/Laser Sight/Ergo-Angled Grip (haven't made a decision, still experimenting). will continue to grind for my Kobra RDS
SR2 - nothing stands out beyond the 900 RPM rate of fire and i can't think of a situation that i would use this over my SG553 which is far more accurate at range even with a suppressor provided i tap fire. at this point in time i don't see me using this gun long term over my lovely SG.
ASW - best LMG in the game right now, nothing beats it IMO. the hip fire is a bit spotty even with a laser sight but it really has no other flaw. 100 rounds, clip style magazine, 800 RPM and super accurate at range. find something i better for every situation. i dare you.
Loadout - Holo/Suppressor/Laser Sight/Ergo. will continue to grind for my Kobra RDS
i don't use Sniper Rifles. sorry.
SW40 - new favorite pistol. i think at range the MP412 REX is still more accurate and the better option but when you get up close and personal (which is usually the only time i bust out the pistol) and don't have time to reload you'll thank your tryhard stars that you were using the SW40 over the REX.
i raffuse to use AA Mines. i just can't do it. i feel like a dirty whore if i ever planted on the Battlefield.
in the end i personally think this DLC had the best guns so far because i see myself using 3 of them all the time. i may go back and forth on my AR but the ASW will be my Support gun of choice until they nerf it (fingers crossed they don't) and the SW40 is my new pistol of choice.