Any CAG members wanna help me out with my rifleman tonight? Kinda wanna play some rush and domination on the navel strike maps. I'll be on in about 2 hours 8:30 PST west coast time.
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Any CAG members wanna help me out with my rifleman tonight? Kinda wanna play some rush and domination on the navel strike maps. I'll be on in about 2 hours 8:30 PST west coast time.
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BlameItOnGod13 (April 21st, 2014),Nesty (April 21st, 2014)
Damn. I am on now man!! I will be looking to get off in the next two hours.
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BlameItOnGod13 (April 21st, 2014),killersteez541 (April 21st, 2014),Nesty (April 21st, 2014)
BlameItOnGod13 (April 21st, 2014),Nesty (April 21st, 2014)
Thanks dude...the latest controller update has screwed my headset for one.
My Nat keeps reverting to Strict. Consequently, this along with audio issues meant gaming in party just did not work. I can probably fix this by entering the ip details manually and setting up a static.
I played for a while with no issue but then had some rubber banding and hit detection issues.
sent from the edge of your perception
yeah mine was a little quieter than normal for some reason today as well.
as far as your NAT, i had to go port forward 7 ports instead of only i think 4 that the 360 used. this is what i used, hope it helps -
the rubberbanding is a new one for me as well, happened with the NS patch. i do fine on vanilla maps most of the time. as far as the hit detection i would contribute that to the rubberbanding though i haven't noticed any problems on my side. my best piece of advice would be try and stick to Europe servers for now and also when you search games try to join ones that only have 40-52/54 players, seems to help us not rubberband most of the time. i know DICE is working on fixing it but damn man. damn.
ultimately the console and game are still really in a beta phase with all the updating and patching IMO but in time it will be better. just give it time, if you have to used the tried and true 360 for now and give a month or two. don't give up Obi Wan Archangel.
CAG Archangel (April 22nd, 2014),CAG JB (April 22nd, 2014)
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