You can only use one gun at a time, so why not just have one.
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You can only use one gun at a time, so why not just have one.
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Because my bushmaster 223 is better than a shotgun. Criminals don't follow gun control. In Florida I knew guys with AK47s and when it's my life or my family's life I can't afford to lose because I choose to follow rules and only own a shotgun
~Spartans lead the way
I think if really started taking guns away from honest hard working people, we would have another civil war. Education will help alittle . There a lot of other thing that need to be done. But the problem will never be fully solved. But if anyone hurts my family I have Remington 1100 semi automatic 12 gauge shotgun that they will meet.
Blackbeard (April 14th, 2014)
Exactly guns are why America has such high criminality, to take them away from civilians would be pointless as their is just too many criminals with easy access to them.
Guns are why America is in the shit it is today.
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America does not have high crime rate compared to other countries. UK violent crime per capita is 4-5 times higher than US every year.
Guns are not the problem it's Americas attitude that they can invade countries. And the fact that they haven't figured out gun free zones do nothing but create targets for shootings.
If doomsday came I would not only defend my family but arm them so they can defend themselves. That's why I have an armoury.
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Last edited by Nesty; April 15th, 2014 at 02:00 AM.
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