hello everyone im not really a new member but i thought i would give an introduction to all the new guys that dont know me. so my name is brute ninja or austin i have been in CAG for about 11 months and ill be going on 12 months on the 22nd. i have seen a lot of people come and go but ive always sticked with it. i was the guy that always trained the new recruits and showed them the ropes but when i got into high school i resined from my position. then after a month or two i decided to take a leave of absence just to get some new scenery. i looked at a whole bunch of diffrent clans and nothing even comes close to anything that CAG has to offer. i know that nothing is ever perfect but CAG comes about as close as you can ever get. but now im back and ready to keep representing CAG. CAG FOREVER haha anyways my name is austin im 14 although if i wouldn't have told you that you probably would have never guessed im super mature for my age. im super friendly and can get along with anybody. i play on the xbox one and i play ghosts and a little bit of battlerfield. all you xbox ones guys add me GT: BRuTe Ninja XD.