Hey guys with the continued interest of new recruits and new blood interested in playing with our CAG family it is a big plus for us when someone submits an app.
As everyone within the clan has intrest in helping CAG expand our members maybe a suggestion.
Not everyone has the permissions to look at new apps that come in.new recruits that submit an app get put on the roster as a recruit which everyone can see.some new recruits will always not be clear on forum activity or know to check out their reply on the app.maybe once every so often you as CAG members should maybe try and make contact with these recruits via xbox live to give them a heads up and see if they are interested.i know that it's a recruit prerogative to get with members and game up but this might help those who aren't sure how we do things round here and therefore new apps go dead with the new recruit not showing any intrest in respect of posting on forums and getting things rolling.
I just don't like the idea of new recruits apps going dead because the don't know how to check stuff out or post shit to get the ball rolling with marksman.
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