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Thread: CAG Parties And Lobbies.

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  1. #1
    CAG Stud
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    CAG Parties And Lobbies.

    Just wanted to go over a few things with this thread that I'm sure u all will understand and agree with.

    1. Lobbies
    As u all know when us guys get together we like to try and cram in the same lobby to beast it out and win games.with this being said everyone who's CAG should know how to conduct themselves according with our code of conduct.when it comes to the opposing team I would like to think u all treat each and everyone of them with respect.more so treat them the way in which u would want to be treated yourself.
    Fair enough u will get guys that are out to annoy or mouth off but we are CAG and we have an image to portray.just let that shit roll over your head.we show our humiliation with winning games or losing respectfully.

    2. Parties

    I would like to think that everyone has the party option on invite only to stop random ppl joining.if it comes to it and ur looking to party up,hell shoot them a message asking for an invite

    As we all know because we haven't got the team chat option on bf4 it gives us no choice but to party up together.this in my opinion can't be avoided so parties get busy.if this happens and someone of higher rank asks u to tone it down a little please show respect to this request as it's for the benifit of everyone within the party.
    Also I understand that everyone has friends that they game with that aren't on CAG's roster and aren't members.i respect this 100% but when we've got CAG in a party and someone wishes a friend to join in on a party with us I would ask that u ask the party if this is ok first before inviting a friend that's not within CAG's ranks.this here shows respect for each and every individual within the CAG party that ur playing with and you'll def find that every CAG member in the party will respect u for doing this.

    So guys like I said at the beginning of this post Code of Conduct and Respect is what we are all about speaks for itself and goes a long ass way.

    Thanks for reading


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    Last edited by CAG JB; April 3rd, 2014 at 12:05 AM.
    CAG JB

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    BlameItOnGod13 (April 3rd, 2014),BLKHawkIrish86 (April 9th, 2014),CAG Archangel (April 3rd, 2014),CAG Cerberus (June 11th, 2014),CAG RAZ (April 3rd, 2014),crooky50 (April 9th, 2014),Kujeaux (April 7th, 2014),Lambda89 (June 11th, 2014),pisspawz (April 3rd, 2014),RainyDaiz (June 12th, 2014),RzaRay (April 3rd, 2014)

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