Crew Noticeboard: the Bomb Squad NNA, Live It Wild, Vice City Crime Mob And Others Now Recruiting
The Crew Noticeboard is our featured column here at the Newswire where Crews looking for new members get their recruitment pitches published in their own words, for all to see.We've found that quite a few Crews featured in previous Noticeboards (Psycho Anarchy, the four wolves and Highired Killas - to name a few) have seen substantial growth since being featured, so without further ado - here's the latest round-up including a colorful mix of Vice City nostalgists, bomb-bastic Squads, Crews with Cult-ish followings and more... Commissioner xMisterDubstep and Leader turbanoutfitters of The Bomb Squad NNA want everybody to know that despite only being an outfit for about a month, they've had an explosive rise through the ranks in Team Deathmatch and are currently in the top percentile of existing player-created Crews."We're a unique Crew that focuses a lot on the TDM community, but we also like to sit back and have fun every once in a while, whether it's doing a free mode war or just doing fun activities, we also do the best that we can and are always striving to be better. Each member has loyalty, respect, and a friendship with the other members of the Crew, and we always have each other's backs even when the odds are against us." A rather cryptic and poetic prose is struck by Crew Commissioner Mcohn66 when he discusses the nature of his Crew from initial conception to present day. A quick glance at the Eclipse Militia's Crew page also reveals some practical conventions, citing a stance of "real" communication and no tolerance for harassment of its members amongst Crew mates."My Crew isn't the biggest Crew, nor the smallest. Nor am I a full owner but I was there from the second we were brainstorming names. This Crew isn't just any Crew. We are a Crew that goes from life to death and back... Eclipse Militia has been around since October 2013 and is bigger than any of us could have realistically imagined. That's why we need your help, your recognition, your power and your Rank. We need to make this a Crew that not only fights for the new, but fights to the death and back. Sincerely,Commissioner Mcohn66.- The Dead Have Already Risen. For They Were Never Dead. - " One Spirit Clan Leader ziedSenko is offering sanctuary to GTA Online players who feel they may have had a bad brush or two with their previous (or current) Crew. However, despite their "come one, come all" approach to recruitment, they are currently only looking for players who have some time invested - you’ll need to be at Rank 40 or above to qualify. "Are you tired of people shooting you without mercy?Are you tired of helping people and getting nothing back?Are you fed up because you get no recognition and not being the top player?Are you tired of losing?Then this is your chance! Join us, fight with us, win with us, and bring a new era to your game!Become a legend and have a lot of fun!Most importantly, we give you full respect whether we are winners or losers.So join us and make history! Weak player or strong player, it doesn't matter!One family, one soul, one spirit.Every active player is welcome to join and of course you must respect your Crew members!If you are loyal enough you will be promoted!" It Wild's Snapmatic collection reveals a rambunctious Crew that isn't afraid to let their hair down and have some fun. Despite their wild nature, they do have some structure - organizing private Crew games and get-togethers every weekend with Playlists that feature member-created Deathmatches and Races..."Hey, we are Live it Wild, a Crew that is searching for active Crew members that can hold themselves to one Crew. We are currently top 60,000 in the Crew Leaderboards in-game. We are mainly doing Missions, Playlists, Races & Deathmatches but now we have also started up some tournaments in Golf, Darts, Tennis and Arm-wrestling. We have our own webpage that we are working on. We are a Crew for everyone!We also are testing out all the Crew members' tracks and maps that they have created and all the tracks or maps will be tested with 6-16 players as we put them up in our Playlist competitions." For an old school mafia-style Crew that plays to an 80s-inspired sense of nostalgia, the Vice City Crime Mob sure seems to have a fondness for spreading their message via modern forms of communication - with presence on Facebook, YouTube & even Twitch as well as an official website. Below, Commissioner Kennie22 speaks of a more mature following for a Crew that not only sports an active and lively forum but has its own GTA style backstory as well."We are a group of OLDER GAMERS. We are a diverse Crew, with men, women, lawyers, military vets, casual gamers, and hardcore gamers, on both XBOX and PLAYSTATION but more importantly, we have dedicated members and have been growing rapidly over the past few weeks. WE....ARE.... THE VICE CITY CRIME MOB!The Crew was started by an older group of men who were in BIG CREWS and were tired of:-Getting killed by Crew members,-Not having unity-Not having a support system and having to fend for yourself-Dealing with trolling little kids-Stupid People-Not being able to fill custom TDM and Race lobbiesNow, we don't have to put up with any of this. Plus, we can actually ENJOY free-roam now since we hold a lot of exclusive Crew-Only lobbies. We have our own website where members on both Playstation and Xbox can come together to socialize, plan events, get advice etc...And believe it or not, our Crew is a part of something EVEN BIGGER. We are a family amongst a GROUP of MAFIA FAMILIES and hold regular FAMILY vs FAMILY Crew battles. On this website
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