Hey guys i have bf4 for 360 now and i have premium feel free to add me l Slim Reaper l those are lower case L btw but anyway looking for some CAG to run with
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Hey guys i have bf4 for 360 now and i have premium feel free to add me l Slim Reaper l those are lower case L btw but anyway looking for some CAG to run with
CAG Archangel (March 26th, 2014),CAG JB (March 26th, 2014),CAG KoruptdRicn (March 26th, 2014),CAG SILENT (March 28th, 2014),Jordan 5311 (March 26th, 2014),Nesty (March 26th, 2014),PATRON (March 26th, 2014),pisspawz (March 26th, 2014),RzaRay (March 26th, 2014)
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