As my first month in the clan is coming up in just a few days I really like being here. Everyone I play with is great in their own way. It's great to be part of team that communicates and wins. I hope to go as far as possible CAG before possible before I head of to college this fall but I'll continue to work in CAG.
CAG Dogg Level: 44 [?]
Experience: 3,684,427
Next Level: 4,297,834
Kojak good stuff man glad you like it here, you are a good player, a bit cocky at times haha jk buti enjoy gaming with you man keep up the good work. catch you on the flip side
CAG Dogg Level: 40 [?]
Experience: 2,020,732
Next Level: 2,111,327
4 weeks ago today I joined the CAG brotherhood and I will never look back I've meet so many great people. There are a few I want to thank for it all and I know I've said similar things in another thread but this belongs here.
CAG CheechDogg: You run an amazing clan with amazing leadership. I've played with you several times and each time was a blast. At first you kinda freaked me out with the camping but I got used to it. You also turned me into a hardcore player and I thank you for that. Lastly you're funny as hell those stories you and Jayfive shared that one night at 2am while we sat in the lobbies were just one of kind. Don't worry no one will know besides us 3.
CAG Gypsyoutlaw: I've only talked and played with you a few times. I have to thank you for allowing me into the CW Squad so quickly. I will continue to kick ass in clan wars with the opportunity you have given me. I hope to game with you and get to know you better in the coming weeks and months. Lastly Gypsy you are my favorite noobtuber or protuber as you would call it.
CAG Silent: Silent you have been a remarkable help to me. You always have an answer or get one asap for me. I must thank you for pushing my membership through and instilling faith in me. For that I will be grateful and do my best. Thanks again.
CAG COVIELEADER: Covie you are just a wonderful general. Helpful, funny, and amazing as a leader. Your soundeffects can make me forget that I had a shitty game. You helped me keep my cool when going for my expert. We talked for few minutes and you got my head screwed on correctly and after that talk I knocked out 3 in a row!! Covie I will continue to push through tough games and beat adversity. Thanks for everything.
Breaks: Same as with Gypsy thank you for the chance to Show my stuff on the CW Squad I will not disappoint you. You have also been very helpful. In my honest opinion from what I've seen from you, you are the clan clown ( no disrespect ) I've tried to win against you but you always have a comeback. One day I hope to beat you. Till then you win but I must thank you again and I will not let you down.
CAG CW Squad: To everyone on the squad I love playing with you guys. Everyone is so motivated and always know what you're doing. You guys are the best gamers I have played with. Its an honor to be able to strut that red tag and kick ass and shutdown lobbies. Nothing beats the feeling of making a entire rage quit with your brothers. When it comes to clan wars 1 month ago we rallied together on the last 2 days and made a comeback finishing with a whooping 1057cp 30 ahead of the second place clan. With the last clan war we demoralized all the other clans. We finished with 600 something ahead of the other clans. After holding most nodes for 24 hours they gave up. And throughout the next few days no other clan got a node and for that I am damn proud!! I look forward to going into diamond this Friday night and taking home a win our first clan war!!!
CAG Casual: Don't think I forgot about you guys!! I've only played with a few of you but damn you guys are just like your CW Squad brothers. Damn smart, quick on the trigger and fast thinkers. I enjoy playing with all of you and hope to see you come over to competitive alongside us!!
There are many more CAG members I have yet to meet since they play battlefield and I'm a COD guy. Also I'm on the 360 so there's a few on the one I have met and I've only met a few from the PSN side on the site. But if you're in CAG you are just like everyone else I have played with. Fast thinkers, quick on the triggers, deadly , and amazing leaders.
I am proud to be CAG and I hope to have a successful time here. I know all of it's possible with my CAG brothers behind me every step of the way!!!
Last edited by Carnage; March 30th, 2014 at 11:48 PM.
CAG Dogg Level: 44 [?]
Experience: 3,684,427
Next Level: 4,297,834