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Thread: How Skill is Measured

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  1. #1
    Emperor XIX's Avatar
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    How Skill is Measured

    Now, I know you guys all hate the "skill" statistic and think it's worthless, but I think that's MOSTLY because you don't understand it.

    Now that you'll understand it, you'll understand why it's a fairly worthless (but still quite telling) statistic.

    Essentially, every game of Battlefield has a base theoretical "perfect" game. Long story short, your gameplay matched up against the theoretical "perfect game" is compared to how well you've done in recent games. If you did better, you get a bump in skill. If you did worse, you drop skill points.

    So what is a "perfect" game of Battlefield? It's made up of three different (or I should say "different") stats, each weighted differently, and not the way you'd expect.

    1000 Score per minute (weighted at 60%) - Note that this is BASE score per minute, and does not include any awards/boosts
    3.0 Killer per minute (weighted at 30%) - Holy shit that's a lot of kills per minute
    5.0 Kill/death ratio (weighed at 10%) - Hey look, a metric I can actually achieve

    Alright, so there's a "perfect game" of Battlefield. I mean, that's pretty reasonable, eh? If I had a teammate who always had the above scores, I'd be pretty freakin' happy.


    Okay, so we know what a "perfect game" looks like, but what does that mean for my skill stat?

    One important factor is that the "perfect game" of Battlefield is comprised of the maximum values for those statistics. If you go 18-0 in a game with 1.1 kpm, your k/d will only reflect a "perfect" 5.0. If you somehow score 1k+ per minute in the base game, again, that is dropped down to 1000 max. If you somehow manage 3.0 kills per minute, well then fuck off because I hate you.

    In order to calculate skill for a given game, you need to have a base skill score to work with. Once you have that, you plug it into this formula:

    nSPM = (SPM/1000)
    nKPM = (KPM/3)
    nKDR = (KDR/5)
    oSKL = (Starting overall skill)
    nSKL = (Game skill)

    So for the first part we have:

    nSKL = ((nSPM*0.6)+(nKPM*0.3)+(nKDR*0.1))*1000

    Now, you're NEW game skill is an amalgamation of this number with your old skill, weighted at 0.9 for your old skill and 0.1 for the game you just played:

    New skill = (oSKL*0.9)+(nSKL*0.1)

    Got it?

    No? That's cool. We'll do an example then, using some of my recent games. The numbers are rounded off for simplicity.


    nSPM = 423/1000 = 0.423
    nKPM = 1.74/3.0 = 0.58
    nKDR = 2.57/5.0 = 0.52
    oSKL = 372
    nSKL = ((0.423*0.6)+(0.58*0.3)+(0.52*0.1))*1000 = 479.8

    New skill = (372*0.9)+(479.8*0.1) = 382.78

    Well, what do you know?

    So what have we learned? Well, for one thing, it's easy to see why skill starts to plateau at some point. For the above game, I only got an 11 point bump. Had I played that game earlier in the night when my skill was around 330 (started that night at 391, damnit :/), I would've earned 15 points. If I had already been at a skill of say 500, I would've lost 3 points for that game! Fuuuck that.

    What else have we learned? Well, while the skill stat is an OKAY indicator of very recent performance, it has several glaring flaws that keep me from taking it too seriously.

    While a skill level of 400+ likely means that the person is at least a good player who can do well one on one, it doesn't really say anything about their teamwork. Score per minute is very heavily influenced by k/d and especially kills per minute, so your amount of kills are being counted threefold here. In a game where you can have a 0.8 k/d and still be MVP, this is obviously flawed. Even a perfect score of 1000 spm with no kills and at least one death will only give you a max skill of 600, and it's fucking impossible to get 1k spm (remember, awards don't count) without killing a shitton of people.

    I like the a) spm is weighted so heavily and b) k/d is weighted so lightly (I might even bump that up to .25 myself, because fuck you, k/d does actually matter in any gametype, regardless of what people say. If you're costing your team more tickets than you're taking from the other, you need to have an exceptional PTFO score to make up for that, and that's not easy with how far CQ flags are from each other). But I don't understand why kpm is weighted so heavily, especially since it's already so heavily featured in your spm. Maybe replace that stat with some sort of objective measure? Say, defense, attack, and captures scores per minute? Not sure what the theoretical perfect score would be for that, but surely one exists that might make this a better measure?

    Say maybe 0.5 spm, 0.3 PTFO, and 0.2 kdr would be a good split. Not sure. Anyhow, now that we understand how skill works, we can discuss it rationally.

    That said? It's still quite useless, but again, pretty hard to ignore when gauging the skill of an enemy player.
    Emperor XIX

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  3. #2
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    Re: How Skill is Measured

    We'll I kinda understood this till I saw the Math. Then I cried threw my phone, screamed at my cat and still don't get it.....

    Sent from a place with free wifi.

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    Re: How Skill is Measured

    If it makes it easier, just replace nKPM etc with x/y/z etc. It looks much cleaner as 0.6x+0.3y+0.1z, but also less cool, hence my not making it that way :P
    Emperor XIX

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  6. #4
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    Re: How Skill is Measured

    I still think it's fairly worthless.

    That last group of games that I played was the Squad TDM and we were kicking butt, I mostly did well (14-5, 8-1, 7-9, 12-3, 11-4) ... yet my skill went down 14 points over those games AND is at one of my lowest points (so you'd think it would tend to rise). So the Skill stat is telling me that I failed over those games ... that's laughable.

    There are some inequalities in the formula when it comes to game types, style of play, and likely kit selection (support and assault get extra score/min b/c they use ammo and health packs) but I haven't found it mathematically (haven't looked too hard though).

    Perhaps if there was another stat that averages your skill values over all of your games, a running average. That might be a better indicator but then there are those whose reset their stats anyway.

    Anyways, it's good to see the math behind it, unveil the demon.

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    Re: How Skill is Measured

    I did quite well in that SDM session as well, I'll see how that worked out for me. I'm assuming well because I was at 391 before my session yesterday. Regardless, in TDM especially, you need to have a great KPM in order to hope for skill increases, because SPM in those games are going to be abysmal.
    Emperor XIX

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  10. #6
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    Re: How Skill is Measured

    i agree with that Kuj, those SDM games KILLED me. i was like 320-340's and i'm was around 221 afterwards. i was around 340-350 playing DOM on 360 but man DM's just kill that shit.

    i still stick with my equation which include snow,cats and bacon.

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    Re: How Skill is Measured

    I like how Blame's SPM in this one is 2663 ... holy crap. It still only earned him a pathetic +4 skill.

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    Wilkes Burrr

    Re: How Skill is Measured

    that's a pretty good SPM for 7 kills haha.

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    Re: How Skill is Measured

    Quote Originally Posted by BlameItOnGod13 View Post
    i still stick with my equation which include snow,cats and bacon.
    Then COD must calculate some high SKILL values ... b/c Blops 2 had a Bacon camo and Ghosts has a Cat camo.

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  18. #10
    Emperor XIX's Avatar
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    Re: How Skill is Measured

    Actually, no. Blame's score per minute in that game is only 239.5. Remember, award points don't count.
    Emperor XIX

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