anyone getting on tonight? just got of work early and was wanting to get some work done. x1 players
Discuss the Battlefield 4 Regiment of CAG's Battlefield Brigade here
anyone getting on tonight? just got of work early and was wanting to get some work done. x1 players
Sorry steez I passed out early last night. I will be on for a late night gaming session though!
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BlameItOnGod13 (April 4th, 2014)
I'll be on in a few hours gotta take care of somethings
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"Have You Heard? Of The 173rd, Airborne Brigade"
173rd Special Troops Battalion - MP PLT "Ripcord" Mar 2011- Jul 2013
RIP SGT Enrique "Dragon" Mondragon KIA 24 DEC 2012
I am gonna get on soon!
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I was on a while ago and no one was on either
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"Have You Heard? Of The 173rd, Airborne Brigade"
173rd Special Troops Battalion - MP PLT "Ripcord" Mar 2011- Jul 2013
RIP SGT Enrique "Dragon" Mondragon KIA 24 DEC 2012
It's been since at least Tuesday since i've caught some people online :/ I'll be on again later. Send me a message on here when you plan on getting on so that I can be ready. I've got some chores, but I'm trying to knock them out now.
BlameItOnGod13 (April 6th, 2014),Emperor XIX (April 11th, 2014)
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