This will be the 1st team in MLG Farm System.
Ch3dz (April 15th, 2014)
Man I have been super busy lately I don't know how i'll be able to keep activity on XBL or on forums
RzaRay (April 14th, 2014)
I can be there tonight but Wednesday I work 4-8 Central
That's like 2am for me and need to up for 6am can't make it sorry
Sent from my iPhone 5s using Tapatalk
CAG JB (April 14th, 2014)
I may be late because the earliest I would get off work would be 6:30
RzaRay (April 15th, 2014)
what's the bump for RZA, is something going on tonight, i also had a message of CGC Rage, going on about some rules about some tournament, but I have no idea when this will be going on. I would like to also see a change with the practices,, so the UK and any euro guys can have can chance to play, not been funny but 2 of your best men are English and its hard to try and find time 2 be up at like a silly time over here.
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