Saturdayz good. we had tryouts an practices for the last two Saturdays. you cant make people show up!
from the dark waterz
This will be the 1st team in MLG Farm System.
Sgt Bear (April 2nd, 2014)
If anything changes message me please as I can't be on forums much as I'm bossing work.
Cheers lads
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CAG Archangel (April 4th, 2014),CAG JB (April 2nd, 2014),Ch3dz (April 3rd, 2014),RzaRay (April 2nd, 2014)
Jordan 5311 (April 5th, 2014),RzaRay (April 4th, 2014)
This the practice schedule for CAG Bulldogs:
Saturday : 8-10pm eastern
Monday: 8-10pm eastern
Wednesday 7:30-9:30pm eastern
Members are required to attend 2 of 3 practices unless given 24 hrs notice before practice. Any question, contact me.
Last edited by Sgt Bear; April 10th, 2014 at 03:00 AM.
RzaRay (April 8th, 2014)
I don't know my work schedule for next week I may work Wednesday
I regret that I will not be able to participate in these practise schedules as that is 2:00 am for me and I have to be up for work at 6:00 am.
This is one of the reason I did not try to get the role as competitive captain as the time difference fucks everything up, and I did not want to mess it up for the majority ie Americans, Canadians.
An easier understanding is like having a commander of a army (me) who speaks English and a army Italian (Americans) it would just never work.
I know I blabbed on but there you have it, if you still want me to help you guys in competitive games that's fine, If I can't then no sweat.
Sent from my iPhone 5s using Tapatalk
CAG JB (April 8th, 2014)
crooky50 (April 9th, 2014),Mr_Fud3m3ntals (April 8th, 2014),RzaRay (April 8th, 2014)
RzaRay (April 10th, 2014)
CAG RAZ (April 13th, 2014)
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