UPDATED: 3/17/14 @ 2:51 PM EST
Hey all! Its Kid here.
With the release of Titanfall, i couldn't help but wondering: would there be opportunities for medals/awards? Well, since I often have too much time on my hands, I designed some medals that (with Cheeches permission) could be implemented into the awards system. From there I could make many more in the future, due to my spring break being right now. Here they are:
Get 500 total kills with an AR or SMG. Must provide statistics in "Personal Statistics" menu.
Point Value: TBA
Get 250 total kills with your Side Weapon. Must provide statistics in "Personal Statistics" menu.
Point Value: TBA
Get 500 total kills with a the Kraber, Longbow, or the G2A4 Rifle. Must provide statistics in "Personal Statistics" menu.
Point Value: TBA
Get 50 total kills in a Atrition match. Must be paired off with a full CAG member to complete orprovide a game clip featuring the leaderboard. Pilot Kills count as 3 kills, Grunts/Spectres count as 1 kill. Titan Kills count as 4 kills.
Point Value: 5000(?)
Thats all I have right now... please remember that I am not a professional graphics designer (yet). Im just a 15 year old kid who has was too much time on his hands. I hope you enjoy these and consider adding them to the Awards System.
EDIT: Round two...
Rain Maker
Kill 5 pilots in Atrition with the Rocket Salvo. Must be paired with a full CAG member to complete. Please provide a 30 second game clip for each kill (will be viewed through SmartGlass).
Point Value: 10000
Medal of Valor
Awarded to Doggs who display excellent teamwork, dilligence, and skill in-game. Can only be recommended by other CAG members.
Pont Value: 20000