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Thread: CAG BIG Country Has To Say Good Buy For Now

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  1. #11
    CAG Stud
    pisspawz's Avatar
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    Re: CAG BIG Country Has To Say Good Buy For Now

    God dam country I hate to see you go bro but you have your reason an I will not delete you from anything I'm sure I'll run into on X1 sometime I'll be on this weekend. I had fun gaming with you and thanks a lot for all the insight on ghost I had no idea wha I was going but with you and gypsy guidance it helped a lot see on field sometime bro sad to see you go

    Battlefield brigade
    -CAG pisspawz
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  2. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to pisspawz For This Fucking Post:

    CAG SILENT (March 11th, 2014)

  3. #12
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    Re: CAG BIG Country Has To Say Good Buy For Now

    It was my decision that I had to make . Its not fare to all the active members if I am only going to be active on the xbox 2 times a week and not onthe forums anymore .

    One day I hope to be back in full swing here in CAG , and I know when that time comes CAG will still be here .

    So again thank you all for making my stay here in CAG one to remember .

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  4. The Following 2 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to BIG COUNTRY For This Fucking Post:

    CAG SILENT (March 11th, 2014),Mr_Fud3m3ntals (March 12th, 2014)

  5. #13
    CAG RAZ's Avatar
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    Re: CAG BIG Country Has To Say Good Buy For Now

    You will be back bro I assure you, many of us know that
    CAG 4 LIFE.

    See you when your back buddy.

    Sent from my iPhone 5s using Tapatalk

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  6. The Following 2 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG RAZ For This Fucking Post:

    CAG SILENT (March 11th, 2014),Mr_Fud3m3ntals (March 12th, 2014)

  7. #14
    CAG Stud
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    Re: CAG BIG Country Has To Say Good Buy For Now

    Bro let me tell you this..

    You have earned your rank and the right to do what you need to do here in CAG to remain a member and live your life Bro. Regardless of what happens in your life, that will never affect what you have done for CAG. With that said Bro, I would seriously appreciate it if you would reconsider you leaving. Why?

    I have guys like Toxic who don't get on every day only when they need to or can, Knockers as well, he is deployed over seas and he only gets on the forums when he can and hes a 4 Star General, we have Stormy and Lucy as well, both only get on the forums when they can, but just like you, they all have earned that right through their hard work in the clan, the Family Bro.

    I could care less if you only get on once a month, you have earned everything you have here in CAG Bro. Toxic will not be able to get on the forums or xbox maybe for the next 8-10 weeks Bro, but that is ok because he has earned the respect from everyone in this Family Bro.

    So again Bro, please reconsider, you out of all people know that I will never ask anyone to stay and more so say please to someone to stay, but you have had such a huge impact here Bro that it would really bum me out if you leave because of this. We have your back man, morally and here when ever you need someone to talk to that is about all I can offer you Bro, but it is your decision my Man.

    You have earned it Country and you are not obligated to do shit but provide us all with your great leadership when ever you can.

    This is the exact private message I sent you Bro so that everyone sees how I do things around here. You have earned it Bro!
    cag clan cheechdogg

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  8. The Following 10 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG CheechDogg For This Fucking Post:

    aTurbo1 (March 12th, 2014),BIG COUNTRY (March 11th, 2014),BlameItOnGod13 (March 11th, 2014),CAG SILENT (March 11th, 2014),FSU NOLES 2323 (March 11th, 2014),GypsyOutlaw (March 11th, 2014),Kujeaux (March 11th, 2014),l SL1M l (March 12th, 2014),Mr_Fud3m3ntals (March 12th, 2014),PATRON (March 11th, 2014)

  9. #15
    GypsyOutlaw's Avatar
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    Re: CAG BIG Country Has To Say Good Buy For Now

    Quote Originally Posted by CAG CheechDogg View Post
    Bro let me tell you this..

    You have earned your rank and the right to do what you need to do here in CAG to remain a member and live your life Bro. Regardless of what happens in your life, that will never affect what you have done for CAG. With that said Bro, I would seriously appreciate it if you would reconsider you leaving. Why?

    I have guys like Toxic who don't get on every day only when they need to or can, Knockers as well, he is deployed over seas and he only gets on the forums when he can and hes a 4 Star General, we have Stormy and Lucy as well, both only get on the forums when they can, but just like you, they all have earned that right through their hard work in the clan, the Family Bro.

    I could care less if you only get on once a month, you have earned everything you have here in CAG Bro. Toxic will not be able to get on the forums or xbox maybe for the next 8-10 weeks Bro, but that is ok because he has earned the respect from everyone in this Family Bro.

    So again Bro, please reconsider, you out of all people know that I will never ask anyone to stay and more so say please to someone to stay, but you have had such a huge impact here Bro that it would really bum me out if you leave because of this. We have your back man, morally and here when ever you need someone to talk to that is about all I can offer you Bro, but it is your decision my Man.

    You have earned it Country and you are not obligated to do shit but provide us all with your great leadership when ever you can.

    This is the exact private message I sent you Bro so that everyone sees how I do things around here. You have earned it Bro!
    if I could hell ya this 100 times it wouldn't be enough


    CAG Dogg Level: 54 [?]
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  10. The Following 5 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to GypsyOutlaw For This Fucking Post:

    BlameItOnGod13 (March 11th, 2014),CAG CheechDogg (March 11th, 2014),CAG SILENT (March 11th, 2014),l SL1M l (March 12th, 2014),PATRON (March 11th, 2014)

  11. #16
    BlameItOnGod13's Avatar
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    Wilkes Burrr

    Re: CAG BIG Country Has To Say Good Buy For Now

    what Cheech wrote x1 million. i was thinking the same thing, there are plenty of others who get on when they can but didn't know how to word it.

    CAG Dogg Level: 60 [?]
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  12. The Following 3 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to BlameItOnGod13 For This Fucking Post:

    CAG CheechDogg (March 11th, 2014),CAG SILENT (March 11th, 2014),PATRON (March 11th, 2014)

  13. #17
    CAG Stud
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    Re: CAG BIG Country Has To Say Good Buy For Now

    That is one of the "Perks" that you earn when you do things right just like Country has Blame. He has been nothing but a class act, a true leader and has proven it time and time again by being at work and taking his laptop or xbox all the time with him to get online.

    We don't need him to keep doing that, but his leadership is very much needed. I am that "humble" and not too proud to say that him leaving CAG would be a great loss.
    cag clan cheechdogg

    CAG Dogg Level: 72 [?]
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  14. The Following 3 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG CheechDogg For This Fucking Post:

    BlameItOnGod13 (March 11th, 2014),CAG SILENT (March 11th, 2014),PATRON (March 11th, 2014)

  15. #18
    BlameItOnGod13's Avatar
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    Wilkes Burrr

    Re: CAG BIG Country Has To Say Good Buy For Now

    for sure man, i know how it goes. people earn that right and he certainly has. i'm not new here lol.

    i will miss him though man we we're starting to have a lot of fun in BF. especially on the forums, guy could take a joke and give it back which is a quality i love in people.

    CAG Dogg Level: 60 [?]
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  16. The Following 3 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to BlameItOnGod13 For This Fucking Post:

    CAG CheechDogg (March 11th, 2014),CAG SILENT (March 11th, 2014),PATRON (March 11th, 2014)

  17. #19
    CAG Stud
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    Re: CAG BIG Country Has To Say Good Buy For Now

    I cant promise ill be active on the forums for quite some time . But I would like to stay , and rep CAG in lobbies when im on the box .

    Life always has a way of working out .

    CAG Dogg Level: 54 [?]
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  18. The Following 8 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to BIG COUNTRY For This Fucking Post:

    BlameItOnGod13 (March 11th, 2014),CAG CheechDogg (March 11th, 2014),CAG SILENT (March 11th, 2014),GypsyOutlaw (March 12th, 2014),Kujeaux (March 11th, 2014),l SL1M l (March 12th, 2014),MoB Corleone352 (March 12th, 2014),PATRON (March 11th, 2014)

  19. #20
    BlameItOnGod13's Avatar
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    Wilkes Burrr

    Re: CAG BIG Country Has To Say Good Buy For Now

    please do. and how dare you remove me?!? i still want to play BF4 with you no matter what!

    CAG Dogg Level: 60 [?]
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  20. The Following 2 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to BlameItOnGod13 For This Fucking Post:

    CAG CheechDogg (March 11th, 2014),CAG SILENT (March 11th, 2014)

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