Just by observing and from personal experience there a few things I thought off that might help us here.
Forums moderation-only up to current info should be showing has main threats there still stuff from months behind still there.
A proper roster thread-the one we have up has like 16 pages of reply.So personally a roster thread lock so nobody can reply would be more appealing. If any updates should happens then use your squad leaders to relay that info up the CoC.
Have two separate side company's or battalions which ever you want to name it.one for xbox 1 and for 360.both be under same management.to keep thing a lot more organize so you don't have 360 guys on a squad with bunch of folks with xbox1s.
A weekly check in of squad leaders reporting activity would go a long way too I only seen maybe like two squad leaders do this but across the board would..helps know who's active n who isn't in each squad.at least a 30 day period of activity should be handle here so if you haven't been seen by anyone then your adiĆ³s from the list.
Some sort of events we do have a lot of casual players who are very active..on these events we can all team up and do recruitment drives get some more friends to play with and occasionally throw our clan name out there.
Separating squads by time zone and also squad leaders n Ftl should be leading squads/teams pertaining to their own playing times aka no have a UK time player manage a squad with us player who don't ever see each other would help big time.unless someone request to be put on a different squad which at that point is up to them to keep up with those times.this would help for us too look a lot more active than were giving out to be.were all encourage to play together at the same time this give ya an idea where to be place newly peeps. Plus more options to us has well.
What you guys think?
Anyone else has anymore ideas feel free to post them below
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