i went to pick up my headphones today and asked if The Show was coming to XB1 this year. the guy was nice enough to print me up all the release dates this year so i thought i'd share them with you folks. these are anticipated in store dates and subject to change.
3/11 - Titanfall
3/18 - Metal Gear Solid V
4/8 - Kinect Sports Rivals and Lego The Hobbit
4/15 - Trials Fusion
4/29 - Amazing Spiderman 2
5/6 - UFC EA Sports
5/20 - Wolfenstein The New Order
5/27 - Watch Dogs
6/24 - Transformers Rise of Dark Spark
8/19 - Madden
8/26 - Evil Within and Dying Light
8/31 - The Crew
9/1 - Witcher 3
9/30 - Middle Earth Shadow of Mordor and Mad Max
10/14 - Batman Arkham Knight
12/31 - Evolve