The Crew Noticeboard is our featured column of Crews actively seeking members to join their ranks where we publish your recruitment pitches in your own words.Since the recent lift of the Social Club Crew member cap, the clamor of clans looking to gather numbers is more feverish and coordinated than ever. Meanwhile, the growing trend of Crews amplifying their efforts via other forms of media like dedicated websites and YouTube channels continues going strong. This week’s Noticeboard features some close-knit and character-focused Crews, along with a group of "good guy gamers" and more...Mojo Jojo Crew Leader ProRookie55 may not be looking for power puffs, but this Crew is all about playing respectfully..."MOJO JOJO CREW: We are a group of 'GGG' (Good guy gamers) who don't mess with people for no reason, we fight for the weak and the rookies. We only mess with bullies. So if you are a decent guy, we would love to have you in our Crew. We are very active, play Missions, Deathmatches, Races, Freemode everyday making sure we represent the Crew without being stuck to the tv for long hours. It is important that our Crew members also spend time on their real life as well.You will see that each and every member of our Crew is a "Badass Gentleman". We are from all over the world. We love good music too, none of the new stuff. Why is it called the Mojo Jojo Crew you ask ? ...... because MOJOJOJOOOOOOOO !!!!!!!" Looking to live the caporegime lifestyle in Los Santos with a Crew that treats the "family business" with utmost respect? The Mercanti Family has a host of structured role-play scenarios that require you to behave a certain way, and doing so earns you points towards becoming a made man. Aside from hosting missions and initiatives over at the burgeoning fan community site, Leader Aldo Mercanti has even taken this discussion to Reddit to gather support and interest."We are a Mafia Role-Play Crew that utilizes the incredible landscape and depth of Los Santos to play as if GTA Online was our "Organized Crime Simulator". This means we live the life of a Criminal rising through the ranks of a Crime Family. You start off as an Associate with access to some 'Family Business' and work your way up to become a Mademan or above with the chance to own Property, run Family Rackets, receive Crew Awards and hold Territory.On our dedicated Crew Website, we list Original Content in the form of 'Family Business'.These are a selection of Free-Roam Role-Play Jobs that require teamwork, and often interactions with Civilians, Call Girls, Gang Members and sometimes Police in a way that evokes a reaction from them. Based on their reaction, you handle your business in different ways, e.g. upon being 'Bumped', the Stall Owner walked away = he paid his protection money. Stall owner runs away = He refuses to pay it etc.. We have 'Family Business' that involves Extortion, Pimping, Robbery, Contracts, Unions, Rivals and even a Scrapyard Scam that we must protect from the Armenians.Members receive "Points" for completing 'Family Business' which goes towards unlocking Awards and earning Promotions.We play as if Evidence was a real factor, We use Getaway Vehicles stolen from empty carparks and side streets, we avoid Police at all costs. We plan our moves. We play like there are consequences, and its more fun than you might think. Check us out in more detail at our new Crew Website, you won't regret it:" In addition to recruiting for the free-aim focused squad, the Deadly Sins MC, Crew leader brewcity262 is also looking to get the word out about their "District Domination" meta-game oriented Crew, which is structured around warring factions holding down certain sections of the Los Santos map."Deadly Sins MC is giving notice to ALL Crews, the time is now to Ride or Die. We are in this game for one reason, to consume Crews. Our thirst is expanding into every alley to suburb, every trailer to penthouse. Any MC’s that are dedicated to this amazing game of GTA Online, contact us for a patch over or rivalry, we are not looking for alliances. We have the structure and resources, given from depths far below, to grow chapters around a membership base that is committed to nothing more than Crew domination.Our District Domination game validates Crew claims of Districts previously controlled only by a patch or emblem. Fight for rights to your claim, or wander aimlessly through the streets, just don't cross over our borders into Paleto Bay.Our Rockstar Social Crew is Deadly Sins MC / Our Crew for Crew vs Crew battles is District DominationThis is a Free Aim, Clean Racing, and Mature (as in no drama) setting. We are like-minded gamers that want to expand the game. Currently we are running for PS3, this game is in its early stages, but set for long term players." describes the Money United Corp as a "Corporation that serenades the streets with RPGs and Tanks for wealth and power". This Crew as of press time is closing in on 350 members so there’s still plenty of room for growth."Money United Corp. operates as a Corporation of 200 members. We are looking to recruit more dedicated members with the motivation to work with other Crew members as one unit. Crew Emblem must be worn on all vehicles (Crew Emblems on clothes is optional). We’d like people to stay active within the Crew; so missions, TDMs and DMs can be more organized as a team effort. No cheaters allowed. We all work together as one apparatus and will incinerate anyone who gets in the way of making money or tries to lower our kill ratio. 'The Money United Corp That Wipes Out Entire Armadas', now has Open Enrollment. Get ready to see what it really feels like to be on top of the world." The Departed MC's Lieutenant, lloydminster reached out to us recently via Mouthoff to big up this brotherhood of PSN players that deserted other MC-based Crews - shouting out their virtues (and accomplishments) in a rather emphatic fashion."The name says it all. The Departed MC PSN was not created by one man but a core of players that departed from their previous MCs. Tired from leaders that tried to force ridiculous rules about what clothes to wear, what bikes to ride, how active you have to be and so on down their throats, The Departed MC PSN tried a new form of leadership. A democracy. Every decision, rule and leader is voted on by his Crew for an extended period of time before another revote is in place. Every member's vote counts and is important, no one plays favorites here.Having fun is the main priority for The Departed MC PSN. Every week, the members of the Crew organize a playlist filled with Jobs created by their own Crew members for a fun challenge. Crew head to head battles are also a common sight in The Departed. Members are not afraid to face a rival Crew's challenge and in fact have a history of dominating in past events. Whether its Deathmatches, Races or Parachuting; The Departed MC PSN has a member that purely dominates that event. I'm a warrior on the battlefield with a commanding kill/death ratio of 5.57, you have a better chance of seeing Hell freeze over than seeing hank_da_tank311 lose a race, and DirkDigglerRules is often confused with an Eagle while parachuting!"
