I havent had time to pic mine up....
CAG Covieleader
COD Brigade Commander &
MSOG Commander
Discuss anything from suggestions, ideas here. No holds barred in this forum, beware and you have been warned!
Its ok man. When ever you have time we'll play.
You guys ready? You guys on? My game is installing
Alright man. Got a full squad on right now
Emperor XIX (March 11th, 2014)
Good shit airman with getting this off the ground.please let us know via ur squad leaders how this is coming along.hope shit goes well for u guys on Titan fall.
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Lol first day of titanfall and already people hating! Lol so funny when people get mad because of how bad they get beat!
CAG Archangel (March 12th, 2014),CAG JB (March 12th, 2014),xGunner07x (March 12th, 2014)
I saw your invite last night, i'm having a problem with my Titanfall. Here's what happens.
I can load into my first classic game, but i cannot stay in that lobby for a second game. the load screen graphic just spins forever, forcing me to quit out the game and restart. If i back out of the lobby, i can then join a classic match again but sometimes will end up in game in process, which i will have to leave when it's over or same load screen problem happens. When in a party, i can't even get the first match to start, it will freeze on the load screen from the beginning.
I'll let you know our status in the incoming days. I guess we're doing pretty good because I already have people threatening to hack my account if I don't get off. lol no lie man, its only the first day of titanfall man.
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