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Thread: Attention! Titanfall Team!

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  1. #1
    USAF AirmenJOSH's Avatar
    Rep Points: 2670
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    Local Date
    March 28th, 2025
    Local Time
    12:49 PM
    Jersey City, NJ USA
    Forum Footmatt

    Attention! Titanfall Team!

    So TitanFall is only a week away from launch and I was approved to form a squad for TitanFall. My goal is to form dedicated players from CAG to play together, have fun, and own other teams. My second goal, after I get to play with fellow members of CAG, I will select individuals to play and represent CAG for MLG Gamebattles. And Yes TitanFall is Gamebattle's new MLG arena. I will be playing on the Xbox one TitanFall. But If you have a xbox 360 and does not plan on getting the xbox one, you can still participate. I may not be able to play with you but I will have someone to fill up that squad leader role for TitanFall 360 (or buy Titanfall for the 360 as well.) Who ever that may be, will then choose the players to play for MLG Gamebattles for the 360. The same goes for PC players. For players who are interested, please leave a comment on when you usually get on to play, your gamertag, your time zone and the time difference from eastern time zone, which platform you will be playing on. Later on I will be making an additional Gamertag profile for the xbox one and 360 to add all our Titanfall players because I can't add everyone on my friendslist on the 360 (as we all know, the 360 can only allow 100 players on their friendslist.) This will allow me to keep track of everyone and easily message everyone about announcements, practices, and updates. I will let you know later on what the gamertag is. If you're still interested and read this, please leave a comment and spread the news. And my gamertag is
    USAF AirmenJOSH, feel free to add me for the xbox one and 360. Sorry if I cant add you on the 360 when my friendslist fills up.

    CAG Dogg Level: 34 [?]
    Experience: 624,869
    Next Level: 677,567

  2. The Following 3 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to USAF AirmenJOSH For This Fucking Post:

    CAG SILENT (March 4th, 2014),Colonel Suaveee (March 10th, 2014),FSU NOLES 2323 (March 3rd, 2014)

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