Expert medal
Overlord K.E.M 30-0
Sovereign 21-5 CAG silent
Prison break 29-2 K.E.M jouNASTY
Sovereign 20-2 jou NASTY
Stone haven 22-3 jou nasty CAG SILENT
Update or start your Expert Badge thread here
Expert medal
Overlord K.E.M 30-0
Sovereign 21-5 CAG silent
Prison break 29-2 K.E.M jouNASTY
Sovereign 20-2 jou NASTY
Stone haven 22-3 jou nasty CAG SILENT
Call Me Kyro (February 28th, 2014),decapitatdead (March 15th, 2014),JouNASTY (February 28th, 2014)
Expert Badge COD Side:
This is the 3rd of the Weapon Badges a Clan member can earn. Each Division has their own way of earning it.
The Expert Badge is the 3rd level and will be the most difficult badge to earn. Hardcore Team Deathmatch will also be used to qualify for this Badge and the following requirements need to be completed 10 times:
1. Choice of weapon and loadout
2. Must have 20 kills and no more than 5 deaths
3. No killstreak rewards allowed
4. No team kills are allowed or explosives
5. Must be paired off with a FireTeam or Squad Leader to confirm requirements are met
Just a question here are the recruits not to wait their 30 day before going for medals?
Battlefield brigade
-CAG pisspawz
-Company commander
CAG SILENT (April 15th, 2014),pisspawz (March 1st, 2014)
Battlefield brigade
-CAG pisspawz
-Company commander
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