You , you and you . But its funnier with friends .
Discuss the Battlefield Series here
You , you and you . But its funnier with friends .
pisspawz (February 19th, 2014)
Ill help out when I get home Friday .
pisspawz (February 19th, 2014)
Haha good one country I'm a rookie to all this I have t the slightest idea what's going on lol so please bare with me aight nen..
Battlefield brigade
-CAG pisspawz
-Company commander
Its all good do you have the clan wars ghost app on phone
If your still lost after kujuex explains it ill help you get more familiar friday if your on .
pisspawz (February 19th, 2014)
pisspawz (February 20th, 2014)
I'm not gonna be on this morning (Korea time) but I'll be on tonight and of course the rest of the weekend. Lets tear dat ass up!
CAG KoruptdRicn (February 20th, 2014),pisspawz (February 20th, 2014)
CAG KoruptdRicn (February 20th, 2014)
pisspawz (February 20th, 2014)
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